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World of Warcraft Roster

Asked Modified Viewed 4,755 times
Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
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I'm hoping there are some people actively using their phpFusion installs to support a World of Warcraft guild and are willing to test this once I push out an alpha. Just laying the ground work for hopefully having that...


is the front end I have going so far; it isn't the finished product, or even close, but basically it works (once I have the admin section done) by first adding a guild, then adding sections to that guild with the filters for the section (ie: only of rank 5, or player X, ranks 3-5, and classes Paladin and Warrior). The backend is pretty much done for that right now, so now that I'm moving to the actual user interface I'm hoping for some input!
Edited by Moregelen on 04-03-2012 02:16,
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jikaka 10
www.rusfusion.ru - russian nss
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good work!
waiting release
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Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
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Managed to cram in an hour on this sucker and get something at least semi-usable.

If you want to create links to the rosters though, just go to the infusion management page. Each guild in the list is a link to the roster for that guild; for now, you have to manually create any Site Links to the roster pages.

Can also only add sections that filter by rank right now, and I didn't get around to including pagnation either. But, as far as alpha releases go, this should get the bulk of the code tested if anyone installs it and tells me how it goes...

Not quite sure why I can't seem to upload like I did last time, so

Merged on Mar 12 2012 at 10:16:17:
Ok. Updated:


To work with multi guild support you now have to provide the guild ID to access a specific ID; eventually, not providing an ID will bring up a set of tables with information about each guild in it, but that isn't added yet.

Right now, the sorting works in that you can sort the page you are on, but it doesn't sort based on all of the data. I'm wondering if y'all think it important enough to change that. It pages without regard to how you have it sorted because the sorting on,y applies to the data displayed: the page you're on.
Edited by Moregelen on 12-03-2012 17:31,
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Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
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Updated again: http://unlockedpotential.net/infusions/worldofwarcraft_roster/view_roster.php?guild_id=1

Does anyone happen to actually have a world of warcraft guild? I'm trying to find someone who has an odd-ball name for their guild, that includes special characters, so that I can make sure that the input is right, but I'm having a hard time actually finding one since I don't know of any guilds that have them and there is no way to just get a general listing of guilds!
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Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
  • Junior Member, joined since
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jikaka 10
www.rusfusion.ru - russian nss
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