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Help with text sub header navigation

Asked Modified Viewed 1,240 times
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In a section of my theme.php file in my default theme, I have the following code:


echo "<div><div class='white-header' style='text-align:center;'>";

// Start Quotes

// Array Structure:  "Quote","Author"
//Because of the change in value of $space, authors now have a dash before their name.

$allqts = array

// Gets the Total number of Items in the array
//  Divides by 2 because there is a Quote followed by an Author
$totalqts = (count($allqts)/2);

// Subtracted 1 from the total because '0' is not accounted for otherwise
$nmbr = (rand(0,($totalqts-1)));
$nmbr = $nmbr*2;

$quote = $allqts[$nmbr];
         $nmbr = $nmbr+1;
$author = $allqts[$nmbr];

$space = " "; //used to be " -", but changed to make quotes without authors known look better.

echo "<center>";
echo "<font color='#CCFFFF'><i>";
echo "$quote";
echo "</i></font>";
echo "$space";
echo "$author";
echo "</div><div class='time'>".showsubdate()."</div></div>";

// End Quotes

echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";

Although when I use that code, the quotes are centered, but the time is on the left and hovers around the username, while overlapping the username a little bit.

My stylesheet includes the following for .time

.time {
        right: 10px;
        top: 100px;

Please help me fix this issue!

Edited by googlebot on 30-05-2008 04:47,
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I got it fixed -- I skipped over the absolute positioning in pixels in the css stylesheet.. I can't believe I missed it.
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