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SEO problem with Varcade

Asked Modified Viewed 1,562 times
djkee 10
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Well i just started a new Arcade website with php-fusion 6 and Varcade but i have some problems and after many tries to fix them i came here to ask you :)
I am not sure if you guys could help me because Varcade is not for download on this website but i hope there is somebody who has it on their website and can help me out.

I am new to PHP so take it slow with me please :D

I was following this tutorial:

I did everything the tutorial says but when i got to the step 5 i could not find this code:
$gamelink = '<a href="'.INFUSIONS.'varcade/arcade.php?game='.$data['lid'].'">';


5. Now comes the hard part. Open up all the Varcade files, that link to game pages. For example, varcade_center_panel.php. This is the panel that shows the newest games etc.

Usually, in the files, it will be something like this:

$gamelink = '<a href="'.INFUSIONS.'varcade/arcade.php?game='.$data['lid'].'">';

Change those links to something like this

$gamelink = "<a href='".BASEDIR."game/".seoname($data['title'])."

I found similar code and i tried to change it and merge the two together with no success :(
Could somebody please help me with this.
Example would be great or even the exact code.

The last problem i have is with another tutorial.

I followed it and at the end there is a post by Domi and then at the very end there is a post by koenie12345 which says he managed to get it working by placing the code that Domi wrote in subheader.php

I tried putting the code at the top, bottom, after another else statement any many other places and nothing worked :(
Could somebody please help me with this one.

Thank you all and i hope somebody would be able to help me :)
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