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template4all.com & PF Themes

Asked Modified Viewed 2,150 times
Just some Guy
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Those of you who make themes may be interested to know that template4all may be hosting your themes.

Under each theme they do mention the correct licence but they also claim...


Theme Provided by Template4all.com and Realized By [authors name] as free software without.....

But, the major sin is that when you download a theme the footer has been altered to include theirs and other web addresses.


Legendary theme by HobbyMan
Design Downloaded from <a href='http://www.template4all.com/php-fusion/' title='free phpfusion themes' target='_blank'>free phpfusion themes</a> |
<a href='http://www.freethemes4all.com/' title='free website templates' target='_blank'>free website templates</a> |
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Just some Guy
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