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whats new with locales

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Hi i was some month out of PHP Fusion and saw, that some changes makes in new PHP Fuison. In my own infusion dosent work all locale anymore. Guess here was some changes of global basis.

Can anyone tell me with some words what i have to do that my locals work again?
thank you
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Add $locale = fusion_get_locale();
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thank you for your repley. hmnn dosent work ... damn

must i have this Register local somewere for working?

this was my old:
// Locale
// Check if a locale file is available that match the selected locale.
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE.".php"wink) {
// Load the locale file matching selection.
include INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE.".php";
} else {
// Load the default locale file.
include INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/English/locale_figurelib.php";
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Chan 0
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Locale class was added so it will not load globally unless you intentionally do so - See method 1.

Through global method, the security concern was that your locale may not be protected from variable injection or mutation. But the latest locale class clearly eliminate this problem while retaining the original purpose. See method 2.

Both method work and depends what you need it to do, can work.

         * Method one: additional push
        $locale = array();
        // Check if a locale file is available that match the selected locale.
        if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE."/locale_figurelib.php" )) {
            // Load the locale file matching selection.
            include INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE."/locale_figurelib.php"
        } else {
            // Load the default locale file.
            include INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/English/locale_figurelib.php";
        $locale += fusion_get_locale();
       print_p($locale); // Here, $locale is a string, and accessible globally.

         * Method two: load into library on refresh.
         * File: your_infusion/infusion_db.php*
         * Add the lines:
        $locale = \PHPFusion\Locale::__getInstance('Default');
        $locale::setLocale(file_exists(INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE.".php") ? INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE."/locale_figurelib.php" : INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/English/locale_figurelib.php");

// This method will set the locale values into the instance of locale.
// All your files can access the newly added library locale values ....

// In any file...
$my_total_locale = fusion_get_locale(); // will print figurelib locale as well because it was added.

Edited by Chan on 01-11-2017 07:52,
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thank you very much for your answer .... but both method dosent work .. somethink i make wrong

what i have do:

i have add this lines in my figurelib/infusion_db.php ->
$locale = \PHPFusion\Locale::__getInstance('Default'wink;
$locale::setLocale(file_exists(INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE.".php"wink ? INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE."/locale_figurelib.php" : INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/English/locale_figurelib.php"wink;

i have add this file: -> $my_total_locale = fusion_get_locale();

and get this: Fatal error: Cannot use object of type PHPFusion\Locale as array in /var/www/vhosts/aliencollectors.com/httpdocs/site/infusions/figurelib/locale/English/locale_figurelib.php on line 2

what im doing wrong?
Edited by Catzenjaeger on 02-11-2017 11:42,
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Chan 0
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You put it in infusion_db.php to load to the whole system, not in your locale file.

PF9 loads everyone's infusion_db.php and makes it part of the entire system.
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Thanks for repley Chan .. but i dont understsand

you wrote:

19. * Method two: load into library on refresh.
20. * File: your_infusion/infusion_db.php*21. * ---> = /infusions/figurelib/infusion_db.php or????
22. * Add the lines:
23. */
24. $locale = \PHPFusion\Locale::__getInstance('Default'wink;
25. $locale::setLocale(file_exists(INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE.".php"wink ? INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/".LANGUAGE."/locale_figurelib.php" : INFUSIONS."figurelib/locale/English/locale_figurelib.php"wink;
27.// This method will set the locale values into the instance of locale.
28.// All your files can access the newly added library locale values ....
30.// In any file...
31.$my_total_locale = fusion_get_locale(); // will print figurelib locale as well because it was added.

i have add your line in my infusns_db file
and in my other filres in my figurelib = $my_total_locale = fusion_get_locale();
so whats wrong?
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