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Add Specific Information In A Panel

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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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I was wanting to add this in a panel below the header how can this be done.

Sitename - Day - Date

I want it to be in this format
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Falk 146
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Enable PHP Execution or make a separate new panel.

$nameOfDay = date('D', strtotime($date));
echo " Site Name ".$nameOfDay," - ":time()." ";

See variations of date and time, https://www.php.net/manual/en/functio...n.time.php - https://www.php.net/manual/en/functio...n.date.php
Edited by Falk on 02-08-2020 20:45,
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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Ok so I am using this in my Main.Inc. Don't like the Marguee but it is what I have.

I tried using the echo in panel, but it doesn't work.

echo "
<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td><img src='".THEME."images/headerannounce_01.gif' width='156' height='32' alt='' /></td>
<td style='width: 100%; height: 32px; background-image: url(".THEME."images/headerannounce_stretch.gif')'

<marquee direction='left' scrollamount='2' scrolldelay='30' width='100%' onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start

<td><img src='".THEME."images/headerannounce_02.gif' width='73' height='32' alt='' /></td>

If I could get it fixed center no scroll would be great. If I could put it in a panel, even better. But I need to know how to call the Location and the day of week if possible.
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Set up your files as such


Go to Panel management, add panel, you should see a "custom-panel" options. Select that and enable it. Now, edit custom-panel.php and paste in your code accordingly.

echo "Test";

Turn off "Allow PHP Execution".
Edited by Falk on 12-08-2020 17:08,
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Falk already posted code that you need, see post #4
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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Ok so here is what I have in a working panel.


echo date('l - F jS Y - h:i:s A');

Wednesday - August 12th 2020 - 09:09:21 PM

This is fine, except I am still needing the user_location.

user_location - Wednesday - August 12th 2020 - 09:09:21 PM

and I can not figure out how to center it. It has to be centered.
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I added it into my main.inc, but the clock stayed fixed unless page was refreshed

Check out this site; it works perfectly fine with this code in Main.inc of the Magazine theme. This is in 9.03.70 version.

 if ($this->GetParam('container') == TRUE) {
 echo '<div class="container-fluid"><div align="center"><span style="font-size:20px; color:#000;">'.date("F d, Y @ ").'<span id="clock"></span>
<script type="text/Javascript">
function clock(){
//Save the times in variables
var today = new Date();
var hours = today.getHours();
var minutes = today.getMinutes();
var seconds = today.getSeconds();
//Set the AM or PM time
if (hours >= 12){
 meridiem = " <sup>pm</sup>";
else {
 meridiem = " <sup>am</sup>";
//convert hours to 12 hour format and put 0 in front
if (hours>12){
 hours = hours - 12;
else if (hours===0){
 hours = 12;
//Put 0 in front of single digit minutes and seconds
if (minutes<10){
 minutes = "0" + minutes;
else {
 minutes = minutes;
if (seconds<10){
 seconds = "0" + seconds;
else {
 seconds = seconds;
document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = (hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + meridiem);
setInterval("clock()", 1000);
Edited by Grimloch on 15-08-2020 20:42,
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