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shoutbox expending it self :S

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hi.. i seem to have trouble with the shoutbox, when i post a message, it expandes itself, and breaking out of the design, im running a standard install of php-fusion v.6.01.6, and using theme Similitude06.
The problem is that the shoutbox goes beond the theme width, that is 140px. take a look at the screenshot i have attached.

can anybody please help me? i want the shoutbox to stay the same as the theme width, that is set to 140.

i have tried to edit the class of the shoutbox, and even set the width to $theme_width_l

and why oh why does it expand? i can't seem to find any error with the code. could it be a sql error? i don't know anything :(
i have also tryed to make the panels on the right again, but it still expands.
It is ONLY the shoutbox, not the other panels, i have tryed to activate many of my own panels, they work great. they don't expand along with the shoutbox...

This error occures in IE and FF..
In IE i makes the shotbox expand like in the screenshot, but in FF i makes alle the panels that are in the left expand along with the shoutbox... why won't all the panels in the left stay at the theme width that is 140.

at first i thought that it was some of my files that was coded wrong, so i started a brand new install, i does the same..


:) have a nice day every one.
Edited by kiksthekillar on 29-10-2006 20:52,
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Well the error that causes it to happend is your long words of text and this will happend when using no line breaks/spaces to "break" the long text line. If you want to say aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh with a long single line at least put & n b s p ; (write those 'together' ) in between the line somewhere,, but when writing normal text line this should be no problem...

Even the image you put along with ure post "breaks" this sites layout for my 19" screen.. try making your atached image a bit smaller in with ;)
Edited by gero9mo on 25-10-2006 23:30,
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okay.. thx for the post.. i thought that it was som code error, but can't it be made, so that the shoutbox dosen't expand, it just lets the tekst drop down to a new line ? automatically? i dont want the shoutbox to screw up the design, when a user writes a looooong message in it.

is there a way to prevent that from happening?
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Well the thing u can do is set the maximum amount of words that is alowed to put in one line.. I have a moded shoutbox and i havent donne this my self so i am not to shure where this "nr" might be set in the shoutbox file but i'll check it up.
But if it's any better way of this i know others around here probably will give a hint..

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okay then.. thx :)
i have 3 modded shoutboxes.. one of them is from the site http://www.starglowone.com/news.php
and there dosen't seem to be a problem with that shoutbox, but when i download it, and try to get it to work on my site, it expands... :(
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th0r 10
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I am having the exact same problem with this on the shoutbox and in the forums as the theme is set to a fixed width. I have sorted out the problem with images that are too big in width by parsing them through a seperate php script to resize them on the fly, but when it comes to text, the only way to sort this problem at the moment is to trawl through a few hundred posts (shoutbox not so bad due to the limited amount displayed) but in the forums, this can be a right pain in the ***. Maybe some sort of preg_split could be implimented so that when a string is longer that say for example 150 characters, it splits the string into 2 or more lines.

Ohh and by the way, the problem only seems to occur in Firefox, it doesn't seem to be formatting table cells like Internet Explorer does.

Any input on this matter would be greatly recieved and appreciated.


P.S: This problem doesn't affect the functionality of the site, just the layout :(
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hmm.. i don't get it.. why does the shoutbox not expand on this site.. because when i try to post a message on this site and on my site, i expands on my site and not on this site.. on this site it just splits the text into to lines :(
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th0r 10
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I just dont understand this problem either, it happens on our site aswell :(

Kiksthekillar, what web browser are you using, or is it happening will any browser that you are using?
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WEC 10
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th0r, i am using IE 6.0 a the moment, but i also happens in IE 7.
i tried to finde the code they are talking about ind the Thread WEC posted about. i can't find that code, that they want us to change.

In that Thread they say that it will stop expanding if we change this code:

$shout_wiadomosc = wordwrap($wiadomosc , 500, " ", 1);


$shout_wiadomosc = wordwrap($wiadomosc , 20, "\n", 1);
Edited by kiksthekillar on 29-10-2006 19:06,
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It's freaking annoying reading this post due to the enormous screenshot, but I'll give it a go, he he..

First of all, you have changed the default theme_width settings for your side panels (from 165 to 140)? This is one reason for the stretching shoutbox.

To avoid this problem, there might be a thing or two you'll need to do.

1] Open up your themes "styles.css", find the class
and reduce the font size the shoutbox uses (put in a font size attribute if it's not there already)

2] Open up the file
and find (round line 27):

$shout_message = preg_replace("/([^\s]{[color=red]25[/color]})/", "$1\n", $shout_message);

Reduse the number 25 to say 20. That will give you wrapping after 20 instead of 25 characters in the shoutbox.

Hope this helps.
Edited by Sveinungs on 29-10-2006 20:27,
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thx Sveinungs :)
you said that the one of the reasons for the streching was, that i changed my theme width to 140. But it still stretched when i was using the original theme Similitude06.

BUT The most importent thing, is that it works alot better now, thanks to you. and thanks everybody for the help. i just Loove php-fusion, it is the most userfriendly cms there is, and the support on all the sites are amazing. especielly the uk site :D

sorry for my poor english.. hehe
Edited by kiksthekillar on 29-10-2006 21:06,
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