hmmm this is actually a good question... i would find myself some benefit from this feature because some users have complained that when they enter the forums, the site is logging them out... sometimes when they post... the site logs them out... and stuff like that... odd behavior... then they have to delete their cookies and loose their valued information... u know how cookies get all stacked and it is a pain if u have to delete ALL of them... so we could show a small link to delete or unset, the cookies used by our site... so that users may fix problems related to our site without having to delete ALL of their cookies...
get my idea here? its more or less the same as VinnyS posted... but I gave a more in depth problematic situation... sorta like a reason for it to happen...
I wouldn't know how to deal with this... cookies are beyond what I know about websites... sorry... i think i just added to your questions issue... but someone is bound to see this thread and hopefully give out some kind of jewel of wisdom i am sure...
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