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Please check out my 2 websites using phpfusion

Asked Modified Viewed 2,528 times
Pleb 10
phpfusion used on http://www.bikercorner.co.uk

My own fun-site at http://www.hairychin.net
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please check out my sites and let me know what you think of them.

I have a online biker site at www.bikercorner.co.uk and one devoted to educating people on drugs at www.cannabismokers.com

the site at http://www.cannabismokers.com has been live for 5 months and my hit counter is showing 105,279 unique visits already
I recently upgraded it to version 7 with no problems at all. This software is the Bee's Knees! Thankyou for all of your hard work to the writers /coders who created PHPfusion. you are the best ;)

I have got 1 little thing that i am overlooking, a setting somewhere probably

bikercorner.co.uk was recently installed using the same download as the one used to upgrade cannabismokers.com but bikercorner dose not have the button under the shoutbox that is used for the colour choice where cannabismokers dose and php-fusion.co.uk

I also used the same theme for both sites but edited the style sheets and replaced forum folder images to personalise the sites as much as i can
Edited by Pleb on 29-12-2009 22:43,
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Pleb 10
phpfusion used on http://www.bikercorner.co.uk

My own fun-site at http://www.hairychin.net
  • Newbie, joined since
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  • Started 2 threads in the forums
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