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PHPFusion on an internal server

Asked Modified Viewed 3,385 times
janmol 10
Jan Mølgård
PHP-Fusion, Denmark
Phone: 004528966794
Mail: janmol@wordit.dk
Mail: janm@janm.dk

Testsite version 9: http://php-fusion.dk/fusion_9_test/
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I have run into a problem that I cannot find a sensible solution for.

I have created - based on PHPFusion version 7.02.5 - a solution for an office in the Municipality of Aarhus (Denmark) - you can see it here: http://bu-aarhus.dk.

The solution have been developed and have been running on my own server (Servage.dk) until now, but was sceduled to be moved to an internal server behind a firewall yesterday.

We wanted to move the solution by installing a clean version of the Fusion on the internal server (Apache with safe_mode: on, magic_quotes: on - and PHP and Mysql-versions almost the same as on the external server). After that we added the special (not-core) scripts and corresponding data.

BUT: despite the fact that we can get the solution to work with a Firefox browser, it won't accept login with Internet Explorer (neither version 7 or version 8). It logs the user on - but if this user try to execute a link on the page, he's thrown off again.

Settings in the database are correct (works without any problems in Firefox), cookies are created and stored on the user's machine (also in Internet Explorer), and all essential settings on Apache server are the same on the external and the internal version.

Does anyone have a tip for what we can do???
Edited by janmol on 21-12-2012 13:51,
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Homdax 10
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Any policy running on the Commune network that would perhaps explain this behaviour?

I have seen it reveresed, transferring a live site to localhost, same issue with IE. Never bothered to find out why.
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janmol 10
Jan Mølgård
PHP-Fusion, Denmark
Phone: 004528966794
Mail: janmol@wordit.dk
Mail: janm@janm.dk

Testsite version 9: http://php-fusion.dk/fusion_9_test/
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If there were a policy it should affect Firefox as well as IE - espicially since IE is the standard browser of the municipality. So no ... I don't think that this is the answer.
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Homdax 10
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Actually, no, it would not, not by defult. But it depends of course.

Try setting the PHPFusion site as trusted?
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JoiNNN 10
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Same happens to me on localhost while using Opera, I use it only for testing compatibility so since I don't really care about it I didn't looked into why this happens...
To rule out any wrong settings done to Fusion by you or any script make a clean installation and test it...
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janmol 10
Jan Mølgård
PHP-Fusion, Denmark
Phone: 004528966794
Mail: janmol@wordit.dk
Mail: janm@janm.dk

Testsite version 9: http://php-fusion.dk/fusion_9_test/
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We DID make a clean installation. That failed in the way I have described.

Maybe I should tell you, that the servername is http://srvweb02 and that the URL of the portal is http://srvweb02/dagpleje. Could our problems have anything to do with this??
Edited by janmol on 22-12-2012 14:08,
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Falk 146
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Maybe there are some leftovers in the other browsers that gives it a hickup.
Try checking "Users can log in on different devices simultaneously?"

Admin > Settings > User Management

Also try clearing all other settings in Admin > Settings > Main such as:

Site Protocol:
Site Host:
Example: mysite.com
Site Path:
Example: /myfolder/
Site Port:
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janmol 10
Jan Mølgård
PHP-Fusion, Denmark
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Homdax 10
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JoiNNN 10
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