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Random Polls

Asked Modified Viewed 1,541 times
Michael's Computer Lab - We help. You learn.
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JWN Media - 500MB of space, 1500MB of bandwidth, Ad-Free, and easy-to-use control panel, and much more and it's all free.
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I was wondering if PHPFusion supports random polls or multiple active polls? I've tried finding a standalone system but none that tickles my fancy.
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Michael's Computer Lab - We help. You learn.
Michael's Web - My personal wibsite.
JWN Media - 500MB of space, 1500MB of bandwidth, Ad-Free, and easy-to-use control panel, and much more and it's all free.
  • Junior Member, joined since
  • Contributed 33 posts on the community forums.
  • Started 6 threads in the forums
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