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BB codes in news and custom pages?

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Hello, a newbie would like some help from a kind soul.

First of all, I am a true newbie. I have managed to set up a webserver, website, install php fusion with help from google and absoloutely no understanding whatsoever of what I have actually done. Google is my best friend but he failed me on this subject however, so I need your help.

As the topic suggests I can't format my news/custom pages the way I want. In the forums and in comments to news/custom pages you have more tools to format your text/embedd flash video etc. What google has told me so far is that the news/custom pages are in html, while the forums and comments use BB codes? Correct?

If so, could anyone tell me how I enable bbcodes in my news and custom pages?

For anyone interested it is for a WoW guild site, www.barbiegirlz.se
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