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Admin Panel help

Asked Modified Viewed 1,203 times
Samuel MS
I'm not good at English.
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I make a upgrade page, and i upgrade my site. But at the admin panel, my page cannot displayed. Anyone help me please.
Here is my file:-
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2010 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Filename: upgrade.php
| Author: Nick Jones (Digitanium)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
require_once "../maincore.php";

if (!checkrights("U") || !defined("iAUTH") || $_GET['aid'] != iAUTH) { redirect("../index.php"); }

require_once THEMES."templates/admin_header.php";
if (file_exists(LOCALE.LOCALESET."admin/upgrade.php")) {
   include LOCALE.LOCALESET."admin/upgrade.php";
} else {
   include LOCALE."English/admin/upgrade.php";

echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n";
echo "<form name='upgradeform' method='post' action='".FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."'>\n";

if (str_replace(".", "", $settings['version']) < "xxxxx") {
   if (!isset($_POST['stage'])) {
      echo sprintf($locale['500'], $locale['504'])."<br />\n".$locale['501']."<br /><br />\n";
      echo "<input type='hidden' name='stage' value='2'>\n";
      echo "<input type='submit' name='upgrade' value='".$locale['400']."' class='button'><br /><br />\n";
   } elseif (isset($_POST['upgrade']) && isset($_POST['stage']) && $_POST['stage'] == 2) {
              $result = dbquery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$db_prefix."entu");
                     $result = dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$db_prefix."entu (
                     entu_id MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                     entu_subject VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                     entu_image VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                     entu_image_t1 VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                     entu_image_t2 VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                     entu_cat MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_news TEXT NOT NULL,
                     entu_extended TEXT NOT NULL,
                     entu_breaks CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                     entu_name MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
                     entu_datestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_start INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_end INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_visibility TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_reads INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_draft TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_sticky TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                     entu_allow_comments TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
                     entu_allow_ratings TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
                     PRIMARY KEY (entu_id),
                     KEY entu_datestamp (entu_datestamp),
                     KEY entu_reads (entu_reads)
                     ) TYPE=MyISAM;");

                     if (!$result) { $fail = true; }

                     $result = dbquery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$db_prefix."entu_cats");
                     $result = dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$db_prefix."entu_cats (
                     entu_cat_id MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                     entu_cat_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                     entu_cat_image VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                     PRIMARY KEY (entu_cat_id)
                     ) TYPE=MyISAM;");

                     if (!$result) { $fail = true; }

      $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_SETTINGS." SET settings_value='xxxx' WHERE settings_name='version'");
      echo $locale['502']."<br /><br />\n";
} else {
   echo $locale['401']."<br /><br />\n";
echo "</form>\n</div>\n";

require_once THEMES."templates/footer.php";

Edit: Please use the codetags /SiteMaster

Merged on Jun 02 2011 at 01:58:05:
What is code tag
Edited by Samuel MS on 01-06-2011 21:28,
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