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Special Userelement.

Asked Modified Viewed 1,239 times
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Hello all you strong fusionprogrammers - I need someone who can help me with a center element.

Thoughts without revealing too much:

The element must be able to accept user data on such as gas consumption, port charges, slipway fees and mileage.

There is a lot more than that, for example, I would like graphic could show earlier years of driving, fuel, port charges, and what is a budgeted next year's consumption based on the stored data. I would also like to send the user a message that it is time to update (automatically).

Thought "end"

Contact me at steen@11er.dk for further and more accurate information - I´ll not give the idea away - yet.

Merged on Dec 16 2012 at 08:50:22:
Not many responses, but it is special ;)

Merged on Dec 16 2012 at 08:51:36:
Not many responses... Well, it is a special thing

Merged on Dec 18 2012 at 16:20:49:
Okay, guys, anyone at all ?
Edited by Hjorten on 18-12-2012 17:20,
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