Homdax wrote:
Looking at it, wow that was fast!
Homdax wrote:
I will try to code in localization during the weekend. I hate danish :P
smokeman wrote:
Im thinking... What about to keep the original name for this ?
If it was me that was the original author then I would be a bit "sad" when others have changed the name of my work.
Just a thought - because it's not me that are the original author. If it was I would ask you to keep the original name..
If it was me that was the original author then I would be a bit "sad" when others have changed the name of my work.
fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 Row: 47
$locale['mfe_title'] = "Live Kod Redigerare";
$locale['mfe_desc'] = "Superadmin - Redigera kod online";
$locale['mfe_link'] = "Live Kod Redigerare";
// startedit.php
$locale['mfe_001'] = "Kod redigerare: Välj fil eller mapp";
// show_file_menu.php
$locale['mfe_005'] = "Redigera fil";
$locale['mfe_006'] = "Radera fil";
// add_file.php
$locale['mfe_010'] = "Spara i mapp: ";
$locale['mfe_011'] = "Välj filen: ";
$locale['mfe_012'] = "Ladda upp";
$locale['mfe_013'] = "Avbryt";
// delete_file.php
$locale['mfe_020'] = "Fil ";
$locale['mfe_021'] = " är raderad";
$locale['mfe_022'] = "FEL!: Filen ";
$locale['mfe_023'] = " kunde inte raderas";
// edit_file.php
$locale['mfe_030'] = "Spara";
$locale['mfe_031'] = "Avbryt";
$locale['mfe_032'] = "FEL!: Kan inte hitta filen";
// save_file.php
$locale['mfe_040'] = "Filen blev sparad";
$locale['mfe_041'] = "FEL!: Filen blev inte sparad ";
// tjek(checkout)_file.php
$locale['mfe_050'] = "Filer av denna typ ";
$locale['mfe_051'] = " får inte laddas upp";
$locale['mfe_052'] = "Fil ";
$locale['mfe_053'] = " finns redan, kan inte ladda upp";
$locale['mfe_054'] = "FEL!";
$locale['mfe_055'] = "Fortsätt uppladdning";
// upload_file.php
$locale['mfe_060'] = "FEL!: Du måste välja en fil";
$locale['mfe_061'] = "Filen är för stor";
$locale['mfe_062'] = "Filtyp ";
$locale['mfe_063'] = " är inte tillåten";
$locale['mfe_064'] = "Fil ";
$locale['mfe_065'] = " har nu sparats i ";
$locale['mfe_066'] = "Ej sparad: okänt fel";
$locale['mfe_067'] = "FEL!: Filnamnet ";
$locale['mfe_068'] = " finns redan. Radera eller ändra innan du laddar upp ny";
$locale['mfe_069'] = "FEL!: Du måste välja en fil";
// show_folder.php
$locale['mfe_100'] = "Navigation: ";
$locale['mfe_101'] = " Vänster Panel: Filer Höger Panel: Mappar ";
$locale['mfe_102'] = "Ladda upp en fil till angiven mapp";
Homdax wrote:
Could this be submitted as an AddOn so we have some reference location?
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