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V6 To V7

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I'm about to take the plunge. I'm just curious about V7 download. Can I download the core and upgrade, then restore my database (from V6) Or do I do the upgrade thing, then do the update from V7 to V7.01 > V7 02 etc until V7.05?


Ps. Also, if it all goes tits up. Would it be feasable to go back. IE, clean install of V6 then restore (V6) database.
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DubSev 10
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I guess it can be done straight to .05. If you're not really confident, you could always do it on localhost first.
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I just went through this - downloaded the very latest 7.0.5 version.

I first copied my v6 files into a sub directory

then exported and re-imported my v6 database into a new schema, and put those details into the sub directory / copy's config.php file.

then copy the upgrade.php file from the new v7 into that sub directory, then I could then run the upgrade.php script by calling my domain/v7subdir version - which updates the database (my copy for testing).. once database done, copy all the rest of the v7 files into that sub directory - and test. (actually then turn off the infusions and fix things that don't work).

once i was happy it was working - i copied the v7 upgrade.php script into the original v6 directory - ran the db upgrade again, and once done, copied all the files which i knew were working from the sub directory in the main directory - shazam - sorted.

it was long winded, but i wanted to test everything first. It appears it would have worked without the extra effort.
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Well everything went swell, and I had tons of infusions and modded this and that on my V6. I defused all the infusions and have most of them for the V7, just a couple I'd like but I'll wait until they're done. All in all, a very easy upgrade, I thought it would be a nightmare but I'm well pleased. I didn't have any errors at all (so far) Thanks guys.
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Oh God I spoke too soon!
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DubSev 10
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