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SOLVED - Changed Locale Problems With Site - Please Help

Asked Modified Viewed 2,192 times
[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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I changed my site locale from English to Danish in order to test a translation for an infusion and now I cannot access my admin panel Main Settings and am getting tons of errors and I cannot change the language back from Danish to English because I can't access my settings. Can this be changed in PHPMyAdmin or something? Help Please.

I was able to fix this by changing the locale in my PHPMyAdmin PHPFusion settings table from Danish to English.
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[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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