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getting news back

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Sorry for being an idiot but im incharge of a society website and I know very little about it- the news section used to appear on the home page but then the site got hacked. When i finally got it back the news section had gone, can anyone tell me how to get it back and how i can stop the site getting hacked again?
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There are a few things to do to prevent your site from hack attempts.
Start with using the latest version of php-fusion, currently 6.01.13.
Make sure that only secure infusions are used.
Use an infusion like Security Center to detect and stop hack attempts.
Enable email and admin verification for registration.
Make sure any folder contains an index.php file. Many folders need an empty index.php file.
Check the folder permissions. See readme file for correct settings.

When you go to admin - content admin -news, are the news items still there? If they are, check the end date and visability settings.
If they are gone, then I'm afraid you have to enter them manual again....

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