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Logout problem - code solution?

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In testing, some test users found they couldn't logout at various points - such as just after going to 'Edit Profile', whether saving it or not. I did a search here and found a short discussion on this that ended with 'do a refresh and delete cookies'... So, I am wondering - can that be written into the logout code so that this problem doesn't occur? I don't have a problem trying to figure out the code, I would just like to know if that could work to solve the problem, or if there is some reason it's not the right thing to try (I mean, obviously this would be a bandaid to some other problem - I just don't know what the problem is!)

The main reason being if php fusion will work for us, there would be multiple users internally on the same machine, and telling them to 'refresh and delete your cookies' each time they logout would already be too advanced for most of them, and quite honestly a little hard to promote.

Thanks for any help.
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