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Size Of News image

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I uploaded version 9 (from the main website) and installed it on a local host with no problems. I am now testing it by trying to add a News item and the image that shows up when clicking on the title it huge. Where are the settings to make that much smaller. If I don't add the News Image, then there is a bigger image at the top of the news item that is even worse.

Also, how do you add news to the start and then add more to the extended news. When I try to separate the news item only the top part shows...the extended portion is not displayed.
afoster attached the following file:
news1.png [No information available / 156 Downloads]
news_2.png [No information available / 139 Downloads]
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If I'm not wrong, it's Atom-X or Atom-X2. Image size is OK. Only left/right position is unsupported. Later I add it.

You can change size in styles.css Find .news-image-main img LIne: ~851 ( max-height: 400px; ) Change 400 to your size.

Sorry I forgot add news_extended. I wiil update themes in few days. You can see all changes on https://github.com/php-fusion/Themes
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It is Actually Atom-X9 that I have installed, but it doesn't matter which of the Atom themes I use they all have the same size image even after changing the size from 400 to 100 in the styles.css as you suggested. I will wait to see your updates in a few days. Thanks for your quick response.
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