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Theme selector

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Ive seen some sites with the panel that allows people to select there own theme as a guest. I have tried looking everywhere here and searched it, and nothing. Can someone point me to it?
Edited by kvjn777 on 12-12-2011 04:35,
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Ankur 10
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You can Download it from here : http://ankurthakur.in/forum/viewthrea...read_id=28


Remember:- Do not follow the Step given on the Thread on this Link. Instead of that, follow the steps given in the readme file inside the attachment.
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Thank you

Merged on Dec 12 2011 at 05:50:17:
ok, i went to the site and downloaded but when i installed it and put it on a panel it didnt work, not showing the themes, just a blank box
Edited by kvjn777 on 12-12-2011 07:50,
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Harly 10
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Try this simpler version instead. Attached to this thread...
(Works just fine with PHPFusion v. 7.02.04)

UPDATE: Repacked, and attached, the same Panel again, this time correctly, because windows 7 adds an extra folder on top of the one you zip/compress, when using the build-in program from windows 7.
To avoid this extra folder, mark all the folders and files you want to compress into a single zip-file, and 'zip' it from there (using windows 7's own zip-program, off course)!

BTW: This 'theme_switcher_panel' where originally made by Matonor for PHPFusion v.6 (originally released on www.phpfusion-mods.com), and then updated to v.7 by someone else (maybe by one of the coders at www.phpfusion-mods.net, who made the new readme.txt for it). At least, I think that's the story of this panel.
Edited by Harly on 13-12-2011 10:22,
Harly attached the following file:
theme_switcher_panel_v7_1.zip [No information available / 225 Downloads]
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Still cant get it to work, added what i needed in the maincore but still nothing
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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I think you forgot to upload and activate the panel, 'theme_switcher_panel', itself - the code alone, will not do the trick.
I've packed it like this:
When you unpack the zip-file, you'll see these 2 items:
'files' (folder)
'readme-eng.txt' (file)
Now open the 'files' folder, and the 'infusions' folder inside that, and you'll then see a folder called 'theme_switcher_panel', and this last folder is the one you should place inside the 'infusions' folder, which you can see from the root of your site.

1. First you copy and paste the code from the 'readme-eng.txt' (which contains the install instructions) to the mentioned place in maincore.php, if you have'nt allready done that (I know you did that, but I mention it as a general info to everyone else).
This is the code mentioned:
//Theme Switcher
function simple_theme_exists($theme){
   if (file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/theme.php") && file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/styles.css")){
      return true;
$settings['theme'] = (isset($_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher']) && $_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher'] != "Default" && simple_theme_exists($_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher'])) ? $_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher'] : $settings['theme'];

- that you place in maincore.php, like this:
define("FORUM", BASEDIR."forum/");
define("INFUSIONS", BASEDIR."infusions/");
define("PHOTOS", IMAGES."photoalbum/");
define("THEMES", BASEDIR."themes/");

//Theme Switcher
function simple_theme_exists($theme){
   if (file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/theme.php") && file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/styles.css")){
      return true;
$settings['theme'] = (isset($_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher']) && $_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher'] != "Default" && simple_theme_exists($_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher'])) ? $_COOKIE['v7_themeswitcher'] : $settings['theme'];

2. Now you add the panel, 'theme_switcher_panel', like a normal new panel from the administration of your site, placing it as a side-panel, left or right. Remember to activate it as well.

That's it - enjoy!
Edited by Harly on 13-12-2011 01:23,
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Yes I have it now. Works great. Thanks so much. Can someone point me in the right direction to find some gaming themes. Will pay for some if they are premium
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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Good to hear, kvjn777! B)

I think it would be better to start a new thread concerning your new support question.
You'll have a better chance of getting the right response, when the users can see a thread with a headline like this: "Game themes wanted" or something like that. ;)
Edited by Harly on 13-12-2011 01:30,
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