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Asked Modified Viewed 1,572 times
val 10
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I got a question regarding fp_news_panel:

i installed fp_news_panel but i kinda hated that i had to exclude it from alot of pages manually, and since it appeared on every single site i had to do something, so i added some of the code from fp_news_panel.php into news.php and DADA , it works like a charm, and only appears where it is supposed too. But my questions here is :

1. do i break any copyrights against fangree craigs mod or against php-fusion itself by doing that?

2. will there by adding this code to news.php be a security breach on my website now?

3. i added the news.php file.

4. fangree craig i really like the look at fp_news_panel so nothing is meant in a bad way here ( besides that your other work rox too ) ;)

regards val
val attached the following file:
news_1.zip [No information available / 277 Downloads]
fp_news_panel_screenshot.jpg [No information available / 72 Downloads]
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val 10
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