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xbox 360 in member prfoile

Asked Modified Viewed 5,683 times
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i have a gaming site that i would like to put the xbox 360 gamerscore card in my members profiles give them that option

is there away here is a website that does in there profile cant figure out how they do it


Hers is the Code
<iframe src="http://gamercard.xbox.com/oNs%20Da%20C%20DUBB.card" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" height="140" width="204">Put your gamertag here too.</iframe>

thanx in advance
Edited by craziepc on 01-08-2007 12:32,
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Well... This requires a modification of core files and the database. You will need an extra field in the user profile so each of them can specify their "Live Gamer" name to have their card displayed on the profile page.

Easy to do, not a problem, but if you will ever need to upgrade the files you modified you will have to re-mod them. That until v7 comes out, cause that will make everyone's life easier. ;)

Is the modification OK with you?
Edited by kneekoo on 01-08-2007 17:49,
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thats cool i can do that ill keep a backup of the files thanx dude
wat would u need from me

hey u know a easy fix when u cant access the admin panel anymore i have to manually type it in
Edited by craziepc on 01-08-2007 17:54,
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All I need is your confirmation that you have the latest version (v6.01.11) of the files and you didn't make changes on them. I'm talking about edit_profile.php and profile.php. If you have them untouched I can prepare the modification and I will attach it in here.
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no i have not touched them and yes i have latest v6.01.11
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OK, that's good. If I'll have the time to do it today I'll post it in here. If not, you can expect it tomorrow, when I will (hopefully) be stress free. :P
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any luck with ths\at script
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I'm working on it. Check in a bit later. :)
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Done. Here is what you need to do.

1. Go to your Admin panel and click Custom Pages.

2. Enter a title for the page we're about to use. Use "test" if you wish, because we are only executing a query that will add the needed column in the database.

3. In the page content area paste the code below:
$result = dbquery("ALTER TABLE ".$db_prefix."users ADD COLUMN user_xbox_gamertag VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER user_birthdate, engine MyISAM");
if ($result) echo "<br><div><strong style='color:green'>SUCCESS:</strong> Data column inserted successfully.</div>";
else echo "<br><div><strong style='color:red'>ERROR:</strong> The column has not been created.</div>";

4. Click the Preview Page button and you will receive a message that will let you know if you're all set. If the message is "SUCCESS..." then your database is ready. Don't save the page because you won't need it anymore.

5. You said you have a fresh v6.01.11 on your site and untouched files. That's OK. Use the attached files to replace the originals and everything will be ready. :) Below is the list of the files attached.

A. Located in the root folder of your PHPFusion setup:
- edit_profile.php
- profile.php

B. Located in the includes folder of your PHPFusion setup:
- update_profile_include.php

Here's a review of the code:
edit_profile.php - added the following after line 79:
<td class='tbl'>XBOX Live Gamertag:</td>
<td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='user_xbox_gamertag' value='".$userdata['user_xbox_gamertag']."' maxlength='100' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td>

profile.php - added the following after line 108:
   if ($data['user_xbox_gamertag']) { tablebreak();
   echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='400' class='tbl-border'>
<td class='tbl2' colspan='2'><b>Xbox Live Gamer Card</b></td>
<td class='tbl1' colspan='2' align='center'><iframe src='http://gamercard.xbox.com/".str_replace(" ", "+", $data['user_xbox_gamertag']).".card' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' height='140' width='204'>".$data['user_xbox_gamertag']."</iframe></td>

update_profile_include.php - added the following after line 58:
$user_xbox_gamertag = isset($_POST['user_xbox_gamertag']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_xbox_gamertag'])) : "";

update_profile_include.php - updated line 100 to:
   $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."users SET user_name='$username',".$newpass."user_email='".$_POST['user_email']."', user_hide_email='$user_hide_email', user_location='$user_location', user_birthdate='$user_birthdate', [color=green]user_xbox_gamertag='$user_xbox_gamertag',[/color] user_aim='$user_aim', user_icq='$user_icq', user_msn='$user_msn', user_yahoo='$user_yahoo', user_web='$user_web', user_theme='$user_theme', user_offset='$user_offset', ".$set_avatar."user_sig='$user_sig' WHERE user_id='".$userdata['user_id']."'");

You can do this manually, as indicated above, or use the files included. The XBOX Live Gamertag field is available in the "Edit Profile" page between the member's birthday and the AIM ID. I hope you'll like it. ;) Good luck!
Edited by kneekoo on 05-08-2007 20:24,
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perfect thank you works great
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— 1 month later —


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This looks like a really good script and exactly what I needed, but for some reason I can't seem to get it working. I do have modified profile.php etc, but I have also tried it on an unmodified version of the page and I get:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/.otilio/xbox360/gamer-tagged.com/profile.php on line 440

Like I say, I have a modified profile.php, but it won't work on both that and an unmodified version, I tried both. The rest of the script seem ok though, it lets me enter and save my gamertag on edit profile.

Any idea what's happening? If you want I can show you my modified version of profile.php?

Thanks in advance,
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These mods are all really great. The big minus of it all is that if we all upgrade to V7 our mods will be gone, I'm scared of that because I have done few mods myself and don't even remember in which files :D
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Tell me about it, that's the problem I have - I am going to be doing a lot of experimenting before I finally upgrade to V7 when it comes out! :)

Still trying to find a solution to get this working... anyone? If it helps here is the profile.php I am using, it's been edited a lot as I have a custom profile page as well as a ranks system installed on the site. How would I edit this page to get it working?

| PHPFusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit http://gnu.org
| Profile Page MOD for PHPFusion v6
| author: Fuzed Themes - Riadi © 2006-2007
| web: http://phpfusion-themes.com/
| Released under the terms and conditions of
| the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

/* Profile Page settings */

// turn on or off the listing of forum threads, forum posts, news items and articles.
// set to true for on, false for off.
$profile_display['forum_threads'] = true;
$profile_display['forum_posts'] = true;
$profile_display['news_items'] = true;
$profile_display['articles'] = true;

// set the number of results being displayed for all listings in the normal profile view.
$profile_sql['normal_limit'] = 2;

// set the number of results being displayed in the listing view.
$profile_sql['list_limit'] = 20;
// set the maximum number of query results for the listing view.
$profile_sql['list_max_history'] = 200;

// set the width for the profile table.
$profile_width = 600;

// do you want to include side_right.php
$profile_include_sideright = true;

// color value for the named user levels.. Super Administartor, Administrator and Member.
$rank_color['103'] = "#CC0000";
$rank_color['102'] = "#006600";
$rank_color['101'] = "#3333CC";

// no need to edit below this line..
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once "subheader.php";
require_once "side_left.php";

include LOCALE.LOCALESET."members-profile.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."user_fields.php";
if (file_exists(LOCALE.LOCALESET."members-profile-mod.php")) {
   include LOCALE.LOCALESET."members-profile-mod.php";
} else {
   include LOCALE."English/members-profile-mod.php";

if (isset($_GET['lookup']) && isNum($_GET['lookup'])) define('lookup', $_GET['lookup']);
if (isset($_GET['group_id']) && isNum($_GET['group_id'])) define('group_id', $_GET['group_id']);

if (defined('lookup') && !defined('group_id')) {

   $list_types = array();
   foreach ($profile_display as $key => $value)
      if ($value) array_push($list_types, $key);
   // checking to see if we should use a list type layout or the normal profile layout
   if (isset($_GET['list'])) {
      if (!in_array($_GET['list'], $list_types)) fallback(FUSION_SELF."?lookup=".lookup);
      define('currentlist', $_GET['list']);
   } else {
      define('currentlist', 'profile');
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".lookup."'");
   if (dbrows($result) == 1) {
      /* start: profile page generation when the $_GET['lookup'] is found in the users db table. */
      $data = dbarray($result);
      $button_width = 100;
      echo "<br>\n<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='".$profile_width."'>\n<tr>\n<td>\n";
      $profile = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
      # start of first cell
      $profile .= "<td align='center' class='tbl1' valign='top'>\n";
      // adding user avatar if exists
      if ($data['user_avatar'] && file_exists(IMAGES."avatars/".$data['user_avatar'])) {
         if ($size = @getimagesize(IMAGES."avatars/".$data['user_avatar'])) { if ($size[0] > $button_width && currentlist == 'profile') $button_width = $size[0]; }
         $profile .= "<img alt='' src='".IMAGES."avatars/".$data['user_avatar']."'>";
         if (currentlist == 'profile') $profile .= "<hr>\n";
      } elseif (currentlist != 'profile') $profile .= "<div style='width:".$button_width."px'></div>\n";

      $button_style = "style='margin-bottom:1px;width:".$button_width."px'";
      $added = false;
      $buttons_buffer = "";
      // user email button
      if ($data['user_hide_email'] != 1 || iADMIN) {
         $added = true;
         $inherit = str_replace("@","&#64;",$data['user_email']);
         $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' type='button' onclick=\"window.location = 'mailto:".$inherit."';\" ".$button_style." title='".$inherit."' value='".$locale['u051']."'>";
         $buttons_buffer .= (currentlist == 'profile' ? "<br>" : "&nbsp;")."\n";
      // user website button
      if ($data['user_web']) {
         $added = true;
         $inherit = (!strstr($data['user_web'], "http://") ? "http://" : "").$data['user_web'];
         $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' onclick=\"window.open('".$inherit."');\" ".$button_style." title='".$inherit."' type='button' value='".$locale['u052']."'>";
         $buttons_buffer .= (currentlist == 'profile' ? "<br>" : "&nbsp;")."\n";
      // user pm button
      if (!isset($userdata['user_id']) || $data['user_id'] != $userdata['user_id']) {
         $added = true;
         $inherit = "messages.php?msg_send=".$data['user_id'];
         $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' onclick=\"window.location = '".$inherit."';\" ".$button_style." title='".$locale['u060']."' type='button' value='".$locale['u053']."'>";
         $buttons_buffer .= (currentlist == 'profile' ? "<br>" : "&nbsp;")."\n";
      // making the aim, icq, msn, yahoo buttons only available in the normal profile lookup.
      if (currentlist == 'profile') {
         if ($data['user_aim'] || $data['user_icq'] || $data['user_msn'] || $data['user_yahoo']) {
            if ($added) $buttons_buffer .= "<hr>\n";
            $added = false;
            // user aim button
            if ($data['user_aim']) {
               $added = true;
               $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' onclick=\"alert('".$data['user_aim']."');\" ".$button_style." title='".$data['user_aim']."' type='button' value='".$locale['pm100']."'><br>\n";
            // user icq button
            if ($data['user_icq']) {
               $added = true;
               $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' onclick=\"alert('".$data['user_icq']."');\" ".$button_style." title='".$data['user_icq']."' type='button' value='".$locale['pm101']."'><br>\n";
            // user msn button
            if ($data['user_msn']) {
               $added = true;
               $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' onclick=\"alert('".$data['user_msn']."');\" ".$button_style." title='".$data['user_msn']."' type='button' value='".$locale['pm102']."'><br>\n";
            // user yahoo button
            if ($data['user_yahoo']) {
               $added = true;
               $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' onclick=\"alert('".$data['user_yahoo']."');\" ".$button_style." title='".$data['user_yahoo']."' type='button' value='".$locale['pm103']."'><br>\n";
      // user ip button
      if (iSUPERADMIN) {
         if ($added && currentlist == 'profile') $buttons_buffer .= "<hr>\n";
         $buttons_buffer .= "<input class='button' onclick=\"alert('".$data['user_ip']."');\" ".$button_style." title='".$data['user_ip']."' type='button' value='".$locale['pm104']."'>";
         $buttons_buffer .= (currentlist == 'profile' ? "<br>" : "&nbsp;")."\n";
      // add the buttons to the profile variable here in the normal profile lookup
      if (currentlist == 'profile') $profile .= $buttons_buffer."<br>\n";
      $profile .= "</td>\n";
      # end of first cell
      # start of second cell
      $profile .= "<td class='tbl1' valign='top' width='100%'>\n";
      $profile .= "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n";

      $profile .= "<tr>\n";
      // user name, rank and rank color prefix      
      $rank = "<font color='".$rank_color[$data['user_level']]."'>".getuserlevel($data['user_level'])."</font>";
      $profile .= "<td nowrap><strong>".$data['user_name']."</strong><br>".$rank."</td>\n";
      // user online / offline status      
      $lastvisit = (time() - $data['user_lastvisit']);
      if ($lastvisit < 60) $status = "<font color='#00EE00'>".$locale['pm000']."</font>";
      elseif ($lastvisit < 300) $status = "<font color='#006600'>".$locale['pm001']."</font>";
      else $status = "<font color='#EE0000'>".$locale['pm002']."</font>";
      $profile .= "<td align='right' valign='bottom'>".$status."</td>\n";
      $profile .= "</tr>\n";

      // divider
      $profile .= "<tr>\n<td colspan='2'><br><hr></td>\n</tr>\n";

      if (currentlist == 'profile') {
         // user location
         $profile .= "<tr><td class='small' nowrap width='30%'>".$locale['u009']."</td><td class='small2'>".($data['user_location'] ? $data['user_location'] : $locale['u048'])."</td>\n</tr>\n";
         // user birthday
         if ($data['user_birthdate'] != "0000-00-00") {
            $months = explode("|", $locale['months']);
            $user_birthdate = explode("-", $data['user_birthdate']);
            $birthdate = $months[number_format($user_birthdate['1'])]." ".number_format($user_birthdate['2'])." ".$user_birthdate['0'];
         } else {
            $birthdate = $locale['u048'];
         $profile .= "<tr><td class='small' nowrap width='30%'>".$locale['u010']."</td><td class='small2'>".$birthdate."</td>\n</tr>\n";
         // divider
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td colspan='2'><br><hr></td>\n</tr>\n";
         // user joined
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='small' width='30%'>".$locale['u040']."</td><td class='small2'>".showdate("longdate", $data['user_joined'])."</td>\n</tr>\n";
         // user lastvisit
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='small' width='30%'>".$locale['u044']."</td><td class='small2'>".($data['user_lastvisit'] != 0 ? showdate("longdate", $data['user_lastvisit']) : $locale['u049'])."</td>\n</tr>\n";
         // user shoutbox posts
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='small' width='30%'>".$locale['u041']."</td><td class='small2'>".number_format(dbcount("(shout_id)", "shoutbox", "shout_name='".$data['user_id']."'"))."</td>\n</tr>\n";
         // user comments posted
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='small' width='30%'>".$locale['u042']."</td><td class='small2'>".number_format(dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_name='".$data['user_id']."'"))."</td>\n</tr>\n";
         // user forum posts
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='small' width='30%'>".$locale['u043']."</td><td class='small2'>".number_format($data['user_posts'])."</td>\n</tr><tr>
<td width='1%' class='tbl2' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u054']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl2'>".ShowRank($data['user_posts'],$data['user_rank'])."</td>

   if ($data['user_xbox_gamertag']) { tablebreak();
   echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='400' class='tbl-border'>
<td class='tbl2' colspan='2'><b>Xbox Live Gamer Card</b></td>
<td class='tbl1' colspan='2' align='center'><iframe src='http://gamercard.xbox.com/".str_replace(" ", "+", $data['user_xbox_gamertag']).".card' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' height='140' width='204'>".$data['user_xbox_gamertag']."</iframe></td>

         // user groups
         if ($data['user_groups']) {
            // divider
            $profile .= "<tr>\n<td colspan='2'><br><hr></td>\n</tr>\n";
            $usergroups = "";
            $user_groups = (strpos($data['user_groups'], ".") == 0 ? explode(".", substr($data['user_groups'], 1)) : explode(".", $data['user_groups']));
            for ($i = 0;$i < count($user_groups);$i++) {
               $usergroups .= "<a class='small2' href='".FUSION_SELF."?group_id=".$user_groups[$i]."'><strong>".getgroupname($user_groups[$i])."</strong></a>";
               if ($i != (count($user_groups)-1)) { $usergroups .= ","; }
            $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='small' width='30%'>".$locale['423']."</td><td class='small2'>".$usergroups."</td>\n</tr>\n";
      } else {
         // add the buttons to the profile variable here when not in the normal profile lookup
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td colspan='2'>".$buttons_buffer."</td>\n</tr>\n";

      $profile .= "</table>\n";
      if (currentlist == 'profile') $profile .= "<br>\n";
      $profile .= "</td>\n";
      # end of second cell
      $profile .= "</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
      if (currentlist == 'profile') {
         $profile .= "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\n"
         ."function expandcollaps(img, id) {"
         ."var currentstatus = img.src.indexOf('_on') == -1 ? '_on' : '_off';"
         ."var newstatus = currentstatus == '_on' ? '_off' : '_on';"
         ."document.getElementById(id).style.display = newstatus == '_on' ? '' : 'none';"
         ."img.src = img.src.replace(newstatus, currentstatus);"
      $limit = (currentlist == 'profile' ? $profile_sql['normal_limit'] : $profile_sql['list_limit']);
      $rowstart = ((!isset($_GET['rowstart']) || !isNum($_GET['rowstart']) || currentlist == 'profile') ? 0 : $_GET['rowstart']);
      $maxlimit = (currentlist == 'profile' ? ($limit + 1) : $profile_sql['list_max_history']);
      foreach ($list_types as $list)
         if (currentlist != 'profile' && $list != currentlist) continue;
         switch ($list) {
            case 'forum_threads':
               $sql = "SELECT tt.*, tf.* FROM ".$db_prefix."threads tt
               INNER JOIN ".$db_prefix."forums tf USING(forum_id)
               WHERE ".groupaccess('forum_access')." AND thread_author='".lookup."'
               ORDER BY thread_lastpost DESC LIMIT ";
               $result1 = dbquery($sql.$maxlimit);
               $result2 = dbquery($sql.$rowstart.",".$limit);
               $colspan = 4; $title = $locale['pm300']; $norows = $locale['pm301'];
               $header = "<tr>\n<td class='tbl2' width='25%'><strong>".$locale['pm201']."</strong></td>\n<td class='tbl2'><strong>".$locale['pm202']."</strong></td>\n<td class='tbl2' width='15%'><strong>".$locale['pm203']."</strong></td>\n<td class='tbl2' width='15%'><strong>".$locale['pm204']."</strong></td>\n</tr>\n";
            case "forum_posts":
               $sql = "SELECT tp.*, tf.* FROM ".$db_prefix."posts tp
               INNER JOIN ".$db_prefix."forums tf USING(forum_id)
               WHERE ".groupaccess('forum_access')." AND post_author='".lookup."'
               ORDER BY post_datestamp DESC LIMIT ";
               $result1 = dbquery($sql.$maxlimit);
               $result2 = dbquery($sql.$rowstart.",".$limit);
               $colspan = 3; $title = $locale['pm400']; $norows = $locale['pm401'];
               $header = "<tr>\n<td class='tbl2' width='25%'><strong>".$locale['pm201']."</strong></td>\n<td class='tbl2'><strong>".$locale['pm205']."</strong></td>\n<td class='tbl2' width='30%'><strong>".$locale['pm206']."</strong></td>\n</tr>\n";
            case 'news_items':
               $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."news
               WHERE ".groupaccess('news_visibility')." AND (news_start='0'||news_start<=".time().") AND (news_end='0'||news_end>=".time().") AND news_name='".lookup."'
               ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC LIMIT ";
               $result1 = dbquery($sql.$maxlimit);
               $result2 = dbquery($sql.$rowstart.",".$limit);

               $colspan = 2; $title = $locale['pm500']; $norows = $locale['pm501'];
               $header = "<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'><strong>".$locale['pm205']."</strong></td>\n<td class='tbl2' width='30%'><strong>".$locale['pm206']."</strong></td>\n</tr>\n";
            case 'articles':
               $sql = "SELECT a.*, ac.* FROM ".$db_prefix."articles a
               LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."article_cats ac ON a.article_cat=ac.article_cat_id
               WHERE ".groupaccess('ac.article_cat_access')." AND article_name='".lookup."'
               ORDER BY article_datestamp DESC LIMIT ";
               $result1 = dbquery($sql.$maxlimit);
               $result2 = dbquery($sql.$rowstart.",".$limit);
               $colspan = 2; $title = $locale['pm600']; $norows = $locale['pm601'];
               $header = "<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'><strong>".$locale['pm205']."</strong></td>\n<td class='tbl2' width='30%'><strong>".$locale['pm206']."</strong></td>\n</tr>\n";
         $profile .= "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
         $profile .= "<td class='tbl1' valign='top'>\n";
         $profile .= "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n";
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td colspan='".$colspan."'>";
         if (currentlist == 'profile') {
            $profile .= "<span style='float:left'><strong>".$title." ".$data['user_name']."</strong></span><span style='float:right'>";
            if (dbrows($result1) > $limit) $profile .= "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?lookup=".$data['user_id']."&amp;list=".$list."' style='vertical-align:middle'>".$locale['pm207']."</a>&nbsp;";
            $profile .= "<img alt='' onclick=\"expandcollaps(this, '".$list."')\" src='".THEME."images/panel_".(dbrows($result1) == 0 ? "on" : "off").".gif' style='cursor:pointer;vertical-align:middle'></span>";
         } else {
            $profile .= "<strong>".$title." ".$data['user_name']."</strong>";
         $profile .= "</td>\n</tr>\n";
         $profile .= "<tr>\n<td colspan='".$colspan."'><hr></td>\n</tr>\n";
         $profile .= "<tbody id='".$list."'".(currentlist == 'profile' && dbrows($result1) == 0 ? " style='display:none'" : "").">\n";
         if (dbrows($result1) == 0) {
            $profile .= "<tr><td align='center' class='tbl' colspan='".$colspan."'><strong>".$data['user_name']."</strong> ".$norows."</td>\n</tr>\n";
         } else {
            $profile .= $header;
            while ($row = dbarray($result2)) {
               switch ($list) {
                  case 'forum_threads':
                     $replies = dbcount("(thread_id)", "posts", "thread_id='".$row['thread_id']."'");
                     $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='tbl'>".trimlink($row['forum_name'], 30)."</td>\n"
                     ."<td class='tbl'><a style='font-weight:normal;' href='".FORUM."viewthread.php?forum_id=".$row['forum_id']."&amp;thread_id=".$row['thread_id']."' title='".$row['thread_subject']."'>".trimlink($row['thread_subject'], 30)."</a></td>\n"
                     ."<td class='tbl'>".$row['thread_views']."</td>\n"
                     ."<td class='tbl'>".ceil($replies-1)."</td>\n</tr>\n";
                  case "forum_posts":
                     $replies = dbcount("(thread_id)", "posts", "thread_id='".$row['thread_id']."'");
                     $rstart = ($replies > 20 ? "rowstart=".((ceil($replies / 20)-1)*20)."&amp;" : "");
                     $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='tbl'>".trimlink($row['forum_name'], 30)."</td>\n"
                     ."<td class='tbl'><a style='font-weight:normal;' href='".FORUM."viewthread.php?".$rstart."forum_id=".$row['forum_id']."&amp;thread_id=".$row['thread_id']."&amp;pid=".$row['post_id']."#post_".$row['post_id']."' title='".$row['post_subject']."'>".trimlink($row['post_subject'], 30)."</a></td>\n"
                     ."<td class='tbl'>".showdate("forumdate", $row['post_datestamp'])."</td>\n</tr>\n";
                  case 'news_items':
                     $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='tbl'><a style='font-weight:normal;' href='".BASEDIR."news.php?readmore=".$row['news_id']."'>".trimlink($row['news_subject'], 50)."</a></td>\n"
                     ."<td class='tbl'>".showdate("forumdate", $row['news_datestamp'])."</td>\n</tr>\n";
                  case 'articles':
                     $profile .= "<tr>\n<td class='tbl'><a style='font-weight:normal;' href='".BASEDIR."readarticle.php?article_id=".$row['article_id']."'>".trimlink(stripslashes($row['article_subject']), 50)."</a></td>\n"
                     ."<td class='tbl'>".showdate("forumdate", $row['article_datestamp'])."</td>\n</tr>";
         $profile .= "</tbody>\n</table>\n";
         $profile .= "</td>\n";
         $profile .= "</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
         if (currentlist != 'profile') {
            $profile .= "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><tr><td align='left'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?lookup=".lookup."'>".$locale['pm208']."</a></td>"
            ."<td align='right'>".(dbrows($result1) > $limit ? makePageNav($rowstart,$limit,dbrows($result1),3,FUSION_SELF."?lookup=".lookup."&amp;list=".$list."&amp;") : "&nbsp;")."</td></tr></table>\n<br>\n";

      echo $profile;
      echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
      /* end: profile page generation when the $_GET['lookup'] is found in the users db table. */

   } else {

      /* start: profile page generation when the $_GET['lookup'] is not found in the users db table. */

      opentable($locale['420']." - ".$locale['pm200']);
      echo "<br>\n<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border' width='".$profile_width."'>\n<tr>\n<td align='center' class='tbl1'>\n";
      echo str_replace("{LOOKUP}", "<strong>".lookup."</strong>", $locale['pm209'])."\n";
      echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";

      /* end: profile page generation when the $_GET['lookup'] is not found in the users db table. */
} elseif (defined('group_id') && !defined('lookup')) {
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."user_groups WHERE group_id='".group_id."'");
   if (dbrows($result)) {

      /* start: user group page generation when the $_GET['group_id'] is found in the user_goups db table. */

      $data = dbarray($result);
      $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_groups REGEXP('^\\\.".group_id."$|\\\.".group_id."\\\.|\\\.".group_id."$') ORDER BY user_level DESC, user_name");
      echo "<br>\n<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border' width='".$profile_width."'>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl1'>\n";
      echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n";
      echo "<tr>\n<td class='tbl'><strong>".$data['group_name']."</strong></td>\n"
      ."<td align='right' class='tbl'><span class=' small2'>( ".sprintf((dbrows($result) == 1 ? $locale['411'] : $locale['412']), dbrows($result))." )</span></td>\n</tr>\n";

      echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='2'><hr></td>\n</tr>\n";

      while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
         echo "<tr>\n<td class='tbl' width='75%'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a></td>"
         ."<td class='tbl' nowrap><font color='".$rank_color[$data['user_level']]."'>".getuserlevel($data['user_level'])."</font></td>\n</tr>\n";
      echo "</table>\n";
      echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
      /* end: user group page generation when the $_GET['group_id'] is found in the user_goups db table. */   
   } else {
      /* start: user group page generation when the $_GET['group_id'] is not found in the user_goups db table. */

      opentable($locale['410']." - ".$locale['pm200']);
      echo "<br>\n<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border' width='".$profile_width."'>\n<tr>\n<td align='center' class='tbl1'>\n";
      echo str_replace("{GROUP_ID}", "<strong>".group_id."</strong>", $locale['pm210'])."\n";
      echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";

      /* end: user group page generation when the $_GET['group_id'] is not found in the user_goups db table. */   
} else {

if ($profile_include_sideright) require_once "side_right.php";
else echo "</td>\n";
require_once "footer.php";

As I said in my previous post though, I couldn't get this working when I edited the plain unchanged version of profile.php either... I just copy and pasted the code and on the line that was stated, but it gives me that error.

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The only thing you are missing is the ending }, the one you see in the quoted text - it corresponds to the green one from the beginning of the quote. Add the red one to your file and you're set. :) Good luck!


Kazuya_UK wrote:
Still trying to find a solution to get this working... anyone? If it helps here is the profile.php I am using, it's been edited a lot as I have a custom profile page as well as a ranks system installed on the site. How would I edit this page to get it working?

if ($data['user_xbox_gamertag']) [b][color=#009900]{[/color][/b] tablebreak();

echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='400' class='tbl-border'>
<td class='tbl2' colspan='2'><b>Xbox Live Gamer Card</b></td>
<td class='tbl1' colspan='2' align='center'><iframe src='http://gamercard.xbox.com/".str_replace(" ", "+", $data['user_xbox_gamertag']).".card' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' height='140' width='204'>".$data['user_xbox_gamertag']."</iframe></td>
Edited by kneekoo on 01-10-2007 01:36,
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LOL, it's that simple huh? I'm not really great with PHP so I didn't really see something that small was missing, I guess I should be more observant! Anyways, once again thanks so much for the help and also for making a great mod - it really does help a lot on my site! :)

Cheers dude! :D

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