Some further info...
I've just checked the hashed password in 3 different databases.
In 2 different Fusion systems, where I use the same password, the hash string was identical.
In MyPHPnuke, the same password gives completely different hash string.
But... if I then take the hash from MyPHPnuke database, and hash that hash (I guess that's what you mean by double hash) then it gives the same string as those that are in the Fusion databases.
So MyPHPnuke = MD5 single hash
Fusion = MD5 double hash
So I'm guessing (guess is accurate, this is all very new to me) that this is do-able, and if get the hashed data from the MPN database, then somehow can manage to hash it again, that will give me the correct string to enter into the users section of the Fusion database.
Any advice on how I might achieve this easily - because I don't really want to manually set-up all 400 of the old user accounts myself?
Or am I talking complete nonsense? :o
Apologies if I am, I'm no expert, I'm learning this 'MD5 hash' stuff on-the-fly.
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