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Thumbnail Links Redirect to News.php

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First I would like to note I have searched the forum and have not found any posts that can help me.

I have a news post on my site which contains image thumbnails, which I would then like to link to larger images, hosted on the same internal server.
I have attached a screenshot for those who are semi-lazy, but I'll post the site URL now anyway as I need a reply.

SITE: http://am.b3ta.org/

The general html code is as follows:

<a href=''images/screenshots/screenshot1.jpg"><img src="images/thumbs/thumb1.jpg" width="200" height="125"></a>
<a href="images/screenshots/screenshot2.jpg"><img src="images/thumbs/thumb1.jpg" width="200" height="125"></a> etc.

However, when clicked, the thumbnails, though displaying correctly, all link only to "/news.php" -which effectively just refreshes the page- as opposed to the file I have specified for each.

I find this totally weird and could really use some help, as I'm completely stumped as to what could cause this. Thanks in advance.
Edited by Snapfish on 24-02-2008 17:09,
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