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Adding/Changing users table fields doesn't work

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I want to use PHP Fusion for an organization's membership only section. It installs wonderfully. It is easily conformed to the menu items and look I need. It's great!

What I need is to alter 5 of the fields to accommodate some information and add 41 more fields, BUT every time I add a field and/or change a field in the users table my database no longer works properly.

I'm trying to get the edit_profile.php page done before adjusting the profile.php page. So, I'm altering the ./locale/English/user_fields.php, ./edit_profile.php, ./includes/update_profile_include.php, and ./administration/update_user.php files accordingly at the same time to see the changes.

So far, I've changed "location" to "company", "aim" to "title", "icq" to street", "msn" to pobox", and "yahoo" to "city". The only field that accepts changes to the data is the new "company" field.

Is it me? I'm really frustrated.

What kind of code do you need to see to assist? Please let me know. Thanks, and have a great day!


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