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admin problem

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I updated yadi yadi and every function is working great. The only area that is not working is the system admin/main funciton area plus I found this at the bottonw of the page

Table 'royalblackfet_install_1188696707.fusion_flood_control' doesn't existTable 'royalblackfet_install_1188696707.fusion_thread_notify' doesn't existTable 'royalblackfet_install_1188696707.fusion_captcha' doesn't exist

I cant edit anything on this page is their anyway to fix this thanks!
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Hmm, what is your version number now?

PHPFusion v6.01.13?

The error messages simply tells you that these three tables


does not exitst.

Go to Admin Panel -> Custom Pages.
Give the site som bogus name, and copy/paste the code below into it. Hit Prewiew ones, don't save.

//From 'setup.php' :
   $result = dbquery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$db_prefix."captcha");
   $result = dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$db_prefix."captcha (
   captcha_datestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  captcha_ip varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   captcha_encode VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   captcha_string VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
   ) TYPE=MyISAM;");
   $result = dbquery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$db_prefix."thread_notify");
   $result = dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$db_prefix."thread_notify (
   thread_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   notify_datestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   notify_user smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   notify_status tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1'
   ) TYPE=MyISAM;");
   $result = dbquery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$db_prefix."flood_control");
   $result = dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$db_prefix."flood_control (
   flood_ip VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   flood_timestamp INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
   ) TYPE=MyISAM;");
   echo "Tables Created - horray";

This should create the missing tables, and most likely fix your Main Settings issues too.
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YESSS! it worked but the main settings is still not functioning. Please How can I fix this I been trying to figure this out almost over a month. :o
Edited by msimone on 06-03-2008 05:57,
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You are probably just missing some fields in your _settings table.
This is fixable.

I would like to see a dump of the structure of the settings table (you can make one in phpMyAdmin and post it here - just need the structure of the table fields, so we can determine what field(s) are missing)
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Im sorry I dont understand the terms you are refering to. What is a dump and what are the steps. thanks
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The thing is that we need to see the structure of you settings table (to see what fields are missing in that table)

OK, below is a code that will show this without using phpMyAdmin:

1] Copy the code, and paste it in a custom page
(Admin Panel -> Custom pages)

2] Preview the code, and copy the outcome (or make a screenshot of it)

3] Show us the result here in the forum.

$result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$db_prefix."settings ");
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
echo "
  <table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='0' class='tbl-border'>
      <td colspan='2'>Settings Table Scheme:</td>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr>
        <td width='200' class='tbl1'><b>".$row[0]."</b></td><td width='200' class='tbl2'>".$row[1]."</td>
echo "
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Settings Table Scheme:
sitename varchar(200)
siteurl varchar(200)
sitebanner varchar(200)
siteemail varchar(100)
siteusername varchar(30)
siteintro text
description text
keywords text
footer text
opening_page varchar(100)
locale varchar(20)
theme varchar(100)
shortdate varchar(50)
longdate varchar(50)
forumdate varchar(50)
subheaderdate varchar(50)
timeoffset char(3)
numofthreads smallint(2) unsigned
attachments tinyint(1) unsigned
attachmax int(12) unsigned
attachtypes varchar(150)
enable_registration tinyint(1) unsigned
email_verification tinyint(1) unsigned
admin_activation tinyint(1) unsigned
display_validation tinyint(1) unsigned
validation_method varchar(5)
album_image_w smallint(3) unsigned
album_image_h smallint(3) unsigned
thumb_image_w smallint(3) unsigned
thumb_image_h smallint(3) unsigned
thumb_compression char(3)
album_comments tinyint(1) unsigned
albums_per_row smallint(2) unsigned
albums_per_page smallint(2) unsigned
thumbs_per_row smallint(2) unsigned
thumbs_per_page smallint(2) unsigned
album_max_w smallint(4) unsigned
album_max_h smallint(4) unsigned
album_max_b int(10) unsigned
db_backup_folder varchar(200)
tinymce_enabled tinyint(1) unsigned
smtp_host varchar(200)
smtp_username varchar(100)
smtp_password varchar(100)
bad_words_enabled tinyint(1) unsigned
bad_words text
bad_word_replace varchar(20)
guestposts tinyint(1) unsigned
numofshouts tinyint(2) unsigned
counter bigint(20) unsigned
version varchar(10)
maintenance tinyint(1) unsigned
maintenance_message text
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OK, thanks.

If you go to Admin Panel -> System admin -> Upgrade:

Does it say: "There is no database upgrade available." ?
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that is correct sir it says ""There is no database upgrade available."
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To make sure we don't crash your site trying to fix it, I would like to take a look at it first.

I sent you a private message.
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