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Support Sites

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I want to know whats about Support Sites ?

I know that hundred peoples in Albania & Kosovo have a web/site in PHP FUSION

and whats about host for example www.phpfusion-al.com !!

Thanks :)
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Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen.
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Yes, it is possible, although we have very strict guidelines and requirements. If you wish to become an official support site, feel free to contact Sheldon, myself or any member of the Management Team and you will be taken under consideration. Please note that we prefer to have only one site per nation/language! We might be able to offer webhosting for official support sites, depending on the required bandwidth. Please make sure the site complies with the guidelines for official support sites - here you go:


1. All Local Support Sites, to become Official, should have the desire, means and purpose to provide quality support in their own national language, current news as displayed on the main UK site and general information relevant to the whole of the PHPFusion CMS.

2. All Official Support Sites will display an Official support site logo, as specified by PHPFusion to prove their Official status.

3. A common graphic design that instantly makes a Official Support Site site recognizable as a PHPFusion Official Support Site site shall be accepted by all existing Official PHPFusion sites. That does not mean that they must look identical, as long as following requirements are followed:

a) The top page should include current news, information and recent forum post accessible by anonymous users. Registration can be required for posting, but the information should always remain registration free.

No pop ups, or pop under ads. These types of ads are very irritating to users and should not be used on a PHPFusion Official Support Site. A limited number of ads all together and no adverstising allowed that doesn't

c) Site navigation should be clearly marked (legible fonts, easily understood link titles.)

d) A terms of use and privacy policy should be in place, and adhered to by the site administrators.

e) Graphics should be optimized, to allow for quick loading of the site.

4. Regular communication about local news, policies, events or issues should be communicated with the PHPFusion MT for action and/or inclusion.

5. A local liaison, (site representative), should be assigned to frequent the PHPFusion.co.uk website to keep abreast with current events, communicate with the MT, and help transfer the information obtained to the Local Support Site for translation and posting. Additionally there should be an alternate liaison for each Official Support Site registered to handle the communication if the other is unavailable. PHPFusion MT would need current contact information for both the liaison and alternate liaison from each Official Support Site.

6. Any locally developed modules, modifications, themes, offered on the local support site, should be communicated to PHPFusion OPen Beta and Mods and MT for possible translation for usage by other nationalities. With the goal of making PHPFusion Mods a central repository for international distribution.

7. Official Local Support Sites will not charge a fee for support (or extra support). Donations are fine, but the support is a community effort and should remain free to all users. There shall be no penalties or reduced access to information for non donating members.

8. PHPFusion prides itself in offering the highest standards of applications and free support. Official Support Sites should make all efforts to present PHPFusion in a positive manner. At times there will be conflicts, or matters beyond anyones control.

If an issue comes up that needs to be addressed, please immediately report it to the MT for action. PHPFusion will address and rectify the issue with the utmost speed, (with your help), so that all our users, administrators, and developers will be able to have an enjoyable experience using, learning, and developing PHPFusion components.

9. If, for some reason the differences between PHPFusion and the Official Support Site cannot be resolved after exhausting all avenues of resolution, PHPFusion reserves the right to revoke the Official status of the support site.
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OK , first I need to contact some peoples and after that I tallk with you or any admin...
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Hi again :

I decided to open Albania Support Site

Im translating English language to Albanian Pack , i translated about 95 % , now i need to finish at admin folder just 15 files to finish about 98 % of all english words, but some words i cannot translate because i dont know or in albanian are very hard for administrators.

But with this what i translate Im happy because i translated with Albanian Gramathic + one think that a good .
If this translate its not enough , some of other staff can translate some of words that i didn't know how to trasnlate

I think to open Albanian Support Site , because i wrote in first post that PHP FUSION its going to be with Fam in Albania & Kosova

So its nice if some peoples can help those peoples in our language !!

I'm sorry for for my long message , but i do it to be understanded

and i'm sorry for my english ( its not so bad )

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Hello, Andi. It's good to know there are more and more people interested in starting PHPFusion national support sites. It is also good to know that more of our neighbours join this family. :)

However, we must be sure that our family grows nice and healthy so it's normal for us to be a little curious about new comers. I noticed that the website in your profile has been reported to Google as an attack site. Here's the full quote from Google:


This web site at www.fcplisat.com has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

Attack sites try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

Some attack sites intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners.

Then I clicked the Why was this site blocked button and I got to this page. Can you tell us a few words about it? Thanks.
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Of the 353 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 107 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent.


Malicious software includes 120 trojan(s).

I'm beginning to think this is a spyware/virus attempt via trojans..not a good thing to be known for, now, is it?

@kneekoo - great find. You may have spared thousands of unknowing people.
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Such a thing can easily happen by mistake if you're not protected with an antivirus and you're using small "nice" web scripts from unknown sources.

I wasn't blaming him of anything but only tried to find out what's going on. I hope he will be able to clear the track and sanitize his site. Good people are always welcome but we also have to keep up with a certain level of professionalism. Let's see how we can solve that first, then talk some more about a national support site. ;)
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kneekoo wrote:
Such a thing can easily happen by mistake if you're not protected with an antivirus and you're using small "nice" web scripts from unknown sources.

I wasn't blaming him of anything but only tried to find out what's going on.


googlebot wrote:
@kneekoo - great find. You may have spared thousands of unknowing people.

I wasn't accusing anything either, but better safe than sorry.


kneekoo wrote:
I hope he will be able to clear the track and sanitize his site. Good people are always welcome but we also have to keep up with a certain level of professionalism. Let's see how we can solve that first, then talk some more about a national support site. ;)

Yes, it's a shame if this may be a legitimate site...oh well, hope the site can be cleared of any remaining trojans (all 120 of them).
Edited by googlebot on 28-06-2008 03:24,
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If it's some code inside a panel it's obvious why there are 120 affected pages. Simply removing the code will clean them all up in one shot. But we're only speculating right now. :P I didn't want to pass by Google's warning and enter his site. :D Maybe from a live Linux CD.
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kneekoo wrote:
If it's some code inside a panel it's obvious why there are 120 affected pages. Simply removing the code will clean them all up in one shot. But we're only speculating right now. :P I didn't want to pass by Google's warning and enter his site. :D Maybe from a live Linux CD.

How about via Virtual Machine? It's free.. http://www.vmware.com/download/ I believe is the correct link..
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@ kneekoo

Yes its true , this site is FANS SITE its just us that go on all matches
and we have a bad peoples from other citys that they attack us.
For moment its just me in this site that know PHP not very mutch but its good

And im looking for some good coders so this not going to happend in the future !!
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You should only use the core and 3rd party components from our official sites. For any other, better ask than expose yourself. You don't need good coders yet. When I started PHPFusion Romania I didn't know PHP at all and the other Super Admin left the project in a matter of months because he needed to focus on school. But time solved everything.

Just make sure your start is a good one and where you cannot deal with stuff come here and ask away. The beginning is a little rough, especially when the first tough questions come up, but remember one important thing:

National Support Sites are expected to support the core only, not other stuff. Take your time, explore the core, learn some more, then you will grow your area of support as we did - as everyone else did. As for the coders you need, we have the necessary resources if you need them. :)
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Yes i understand you .

You know more how to do with National Support Site

but i know that i can do this , also with help of my friends
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And wrote:
Yes i understand you .

You know more how to do with National Support Site

but i know that i can do this , also with help of my friends

But don't give any one person too much power. My friend abused his power as a moderator on one of my old sites a year back (no, it wasn't running PHPFusion).

I'm not saying don't trust your friends, I'm just saying the best person to trust is yourself.
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@ kneekoo
@ googlebot

about www.fcplisat.com

can you tell me if you know how to remove this viruses

i dont have / cpanel / phpmyadmin :|

can i do something this site is very very very important !!
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Your site looks clean now. Trojans, viruses and other web threats usually hide in commercials and the scripts behind them. Just make sure you have an anti-virus on your computer (AVG Free for instance) and you will notice which sites or ads have bad content. Simply stay away from them and don't place them on your site.
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kneekoo wrote:
Your site looks clean now. Trojans, viruses and other web threats usually hide in commercials and the scripts behind them. Just make sure you have an anti-virus on your computer (AVG Free for instance) and you will notice which sites or ads have bad content. Simply stay away from them and don't place them on your site.

kneekoo thank you very mutch i have Kaspersky with License , but im going to download AVG too !!

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