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character problem on copy-paste

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i have problems in my forum with " (quotation mark), ... (ellipsis) , ' , - characters when they are in a passage that copied from another source and pasted in the form to share it with others. instead of this characters, r0 and r17 etc, are seen. when i try editing and rewriting these characters in the passage, they recover as they were intended. what is the problem with this? how it can be fixed?
an example passage with this problem is this
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I may not be 100% certain about this, but I am almost sure this is an encoding issue.

If possible, try and find the encoding differences of the source content you are trying to copy, I am no expert on this subject, but it would seem that encoding is the problem here.

I am sorry I cannot be of anymore help.
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I have same problem to
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Elvenelf wrote:
I may not be 100% certain about this, but I am almost sure this is an encoding issue.

If possible, try and find the encoding differences of the source content you are trying to copy, I am no expert on this subject, but it would seem that encoding is the problem here.

I am sorry I cannot be of anymore help.

You may be right on. But maybe not.

Neither of us are an expert on the matter, but anyway..

I remember when I tried copy and pasting something into MS Word for a quote for a paper I was writing. It kept the size and font type (and bold), and when I deleted it and typed in the correct characters, it was fine.

So try this: copy it and then paste it into Notepad. Then copy what has been pasted into notepad, and try pasting that into your form. See if that works.
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Ah... I have seen this MS Word issue before too... Indeed I never knew what was the issue... TammyK has it zeroed down to smart quotes though, so that might be it for when we copy paste from browser to Word docs. However I think the original poster on this thread has this issue when copying & pasting from one txt area to another within the site?

From elsewhere to the txt area of the forum to post things? If this is the case, I am almost sure it is encoding problem, but what I don't know is where to fix it... database, or browser ... ?
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thanx for the answers. the strange thing with this is that copying from some websites and pasting in my forum doesnt cause a problem like that, but some others cause it. when i copied and pasted inside my site, no problem, and copy from this site causes no prob. too... but some web sites cause it.
"the notepad" solution didnt work, word didnt too.

still have no solution :(
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