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No Access admin panel/super user vs username invalid?

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phpMyAdmin - 2.11.4
setup clean database in phpMyAdmin
tested with 2 versions of Php Fusion (6 and 7)
for Synology NAS Server DS107+
no installation errors
no database errors
phpFusion maindirectory on external Webserver of Synology station

Hi, I installed fusion v7 and unable to access setup admin menu. During the setup first of course the phpmyadmin login and pw is asked, then later user login needs to be made and another Super admin password.
When i login as common user SuperAdmin i only can read my site but I do not see any admin menu. unable to setup my site.
When i login as Admin it still cannot access admin menu it simply does not show up, ]

i tried to use php v 6 and 7 and both times i deleted also mysql database to be sure to start again from scratch, no installation errors but that double security layer is crap.
I use Synology DS107+ server (external nas server)

Pitty i like the fusion but too long busy to get it working while i did not get any errors, I guess it has to do with phpmyadmin and Synology DS107+ which is an external HW server.
I hope you have some advice or tips to get php fusion working.
I think if i read the ammount of user that have problems this security setting is causing problems,
edit : i login as with my username i got access but when i want to login with the pw for superuser it says invalid user...
while as i understood your username is only 1 and the same for superuser,
so it is not clear , the explanation superuser is normally ROOT but i read here that there is only one username with 2 pw'ss....

1) how to access admin panel
2) why is fusion not recognizing the pw for superuser
3) how to edit the cookies?
and or location
and why many other users if i read on Google have simular problemst with fusion , after 8 hours testing i think its not only the fault of the user but combination of the new double protection layer

Hope this makes sense:) thanks
Edited by krunthip on 22-08-2008 02:16,
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Reef 10
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You don't use the Admin Password to login.

The Admin password is only used within the admin panel AFTER you're logged in using the account password. IE When creating/editing custom pages etc, before you save/preview the page you are required to enter the ADMIN password.

Having the second "Admin" password means that if anyone manages to hack your super admin account they still can't do much because they need the secondary password.

I don't think there's any problem with the second security layer at all. If so many people are having problems with it, it only points to one thing. They aren't reading the instructions. It's all in there.

BTW 8 hours really ?? - I had my site setup and was logged in in less than 8 minutes.
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Reef, thx , I read the instructions and also like you i was able within 8 minutes to setup the site, but as you could read i am still NOT able to access the admin panel. I was busy for hours to repeat the same instructions, started again, cleared all my directories/databases etc.

So what is the reason?
Edited by krunthip on 22-08-2008 11:14,
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Does the Synology DS107+ has a static IP address or a DHCP address?
And what kind of (DSL) Modem/router do you have. It might be that you have to enable ip nat loopback in order to access the site through an external (http://www.yourdomain.com) URL from your local network.

Try using the local IP address of the Synology DS107+ to access your site. Maybe you have to set that IP address also as thew Site URL.
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Xessive wrote:
Does the Synology DS107+ has a static IP address or a DHCP address?
And what kind of (DSL) Modem/router do you have. It might be that you have to enable ip nat loopback in order to access the site through an external (http://www.yourdomain.com) URL from your local network.

Try using the local IP address of the Synology DS107+ to access your site. Maybe you have to set that IP address also as thew Site URL.

thanks for your reply, DHCP and a fixed IP add.
DLink DGL 4300 router. and I don't use an external domain.
I use my local IP add to access my server.
Anyway I was not satisefied about phpmyadmin, specially the GUI looks crap and it is not userfriendly and the way phpmyadmin handles cookies authentication; it's very sensitve about the location where it will send the auth cookie too , and then perhaps phpFusion does not know that the cookie authentication has been handled , that could cause not to show up the admin panel or something like that.

Now i am deleting phpmyadmin and installing XAMP for Linux on my DS107 station. XAMP has a better GUI and the security settings are better to handle. I let you know , thanks for your advice.
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