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Missing photos after safe mode change / captha gone

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PHP-Fusion PL Crew | Spam Cop | My Site
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After I managed to update gallery when my server changed to safemode off There are two problems.
Gallery has been moved to albums catalogs and everything old works fine. Problem is with the new photos.

In already existing album thumbnails cannot be seen but photos shown correctly:


But strange thing with gif file. It shows thumbnail in picture but not in album:


I noticed that old albums have CHMOD 755 and newly created 700.

New created do not show thumbnails and photos either:


After clicking "show photo" in Firefox:
You don't have permission to access /images/photoalbum/album_21/journal.gif on this server.

Latest images panel also do not show photos. Slideshow random panel shows old ones OK, new as link only.

After clicking "show photo" to such link in Firefox:

Not Found

The requested URL /images/photoalbum//euro_t1.jpeg was not found on this server.

These panels look for pictures as before change of safemode. How to change it? It shows old because I did't remove them yet from /photoalbums folder.

I checked CHMODES - are OK. Uninstalled Watermark Mass Upload, made update from 6.01.13 do 6.01.15. Uploaded all clear 6.01.15 files. Tried everything...
GD is installed on server:
GD Support    enabled
GD Version    2.0 or higher
FreeType Support    enabled
FreeType Linkage    with freetype
FreeType Version    2.2.1
T1Lib Support    enabled
GIF Read Support    enabled
GIF Create Support    enabled
JPG Support    enabled
PNG Support    enabled
WBMP Support    enabled

Other thing captcha is gone.. I made rebuild captcha before but now it does not help.
I am afraid that this might be because I made once before an update to earlier version by accident.

Anyone can help please (polish support didn't :| ) ?
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J_Bear 10
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If you disable the "Slideshow random photo panel" are the errors still there?

I found out, in some cases the Slideshow can give problems.
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WEC 10
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J_bear unfortunately disabling / uninstaling slideshow does not help.

WEC it did not solve it. Defining safemode only makes now that in albums shows:
Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for images/photoalbum/journal.gif in /var/www/web135/html/photogallery.php on line 68

Any more ideas?
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