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Registration Image Authentication Error (Clean Install)

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Hi guys...

Sorry to be a PITA...but I have come across another bad problem, on my site....

My site Is: http://www.macca38.com

Maccas Rom And Emulation Archive...

It Is totally free.....no real porn, apart from what you may find In an Arcade games, and deals strictly with Retro Arcade Gaming and Information....It Is of course...a WIP.

On this occasion, I did new Installs...I backed up my database...then cleaned It out, and started from scratch...then I Imported some Info back later...after Installing, like the members....I did this In separate pieces and studied each piece In the database, as best I could, for anything, like a previous Infusion or mod, that may affect things...

Ive found a couple of problems actually...and have a feeling that Importing some data, from an already crook v7 database (see my other post) Is the culprit

Firstly...new users registering on my site, are normally presented with an Image for authentication. I have also Installed the Fusion Forum upgrade, for v7...no errors or anything, which possibly, I am not sure...adds to this..this was done after the Initial Install of Fusion, on a clean database.

But anyway...along with the Image, are 2 small buttons...one to hear the code, and the other to refresh the Image..and code.

The problem I am having, Is that the Images, and the sounds, do not correspond with each other...and I have tried changing the settings, even to text, but nothing Is matching...

I am currently posting a stickied news Item for public view...with a gmail contact, for new members, as It appears, that It Is also not Pming me, when a new user Registers...

I made a new account this morning, and can confirm all this...so I had no way of authorising the member manually. I had to go to phpmyadmin and edit the database directly, to allow the user, as he wasnt showing up anywhere, until I changed his status.

This Is quite an Important problem to fix, and I would certainly appreciate any help I can get with this...

The other problem I have noticed....

I am still having some admin privilege problems with certain Categories and Threads, In the forums.

I can make a new category...add a forum, to the category, then go to the forum to add a post, and for no reason whatsoever, when I try to post I will receive a message saying NO...your not allowed..

I have noticed, that If posts are quite large, It will do this...I can go back however, at a later time....post a post saying "Test" only, In the exact same thread, and It will allow me.....I go straight back to edit It...copy and paste as I have copied all the data from the sql files to text documents, as Im sick of typing, and It will once again tell me Im not allowed..

Before anyone asks, why am I typing...well, I am unsure If Importing data from my previous v7 backup, Is a problem, so I am playing It safe, and have stopped Importing and am now going through It manually....trying to get the Info back up and running..

Is this A Ghost, In the machine???

I swear....Im Flabbergasted.....Frustrated....you name It...:o

Anyway...If anyone can please help me with either of these things, I would certainly appreciate It...Ive been looking at phpmyadim for days now, and although Ive learned quite a bit In teh last week......I can run around phpmyadmin quite fine now....Im afraid Im at my limit as far as knowledge goes...

The site was running beautifully before, on version 6, so I am a little unhappy, that I upgraded....:o

Oh well....I hope Ive provided enough Information, this time, for support, on this...much appreciated, and TIA..

Edited by Macca38 on 05-10-2008 11:23,
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search for secureimage in the forum and you find some helpfull threads
one of them helped me, look at the last post in this thread http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/vie...ost_124574
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Thanks mate!!

Checked the thread out...ran the test...No ttf font support...

Edited the securimage.php file to support GD fonts, and tried again...still the same....

Image doesnt match sound file, which doesnt match the required code to allow registration......everything Is screwed up..

Does anyone else please have any other suggestions..

Edited by Macca38 on 05-10-2008 18:13,
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Ok....Maybe Im Impatient....but I couldnt wait around and hope Ild get some help.....so Ive tried again, myself...

My Site: http://www.macca38.com
Version of PHPFusion you are upgrading from: N/A (New Install)
Version of PHPFusion you are upgrading to: N/A (New Install)
Any mods you've made to your site:
Nil....This Is a clean Install, with no mods or Infusions, not even the fusionboard forum upgrade, and only 3 current members. I have not Imported any user Info, or anything. I do not Intend adding anything, except members and some forum posts...until I can get some clarification.
Version of PHP: 4.4.7
Version of MySQL: V5.0
Have you searched for your problem: (YES). I have read teh forums from end to end, concerning anything to do with this problem, or similar.
If so, what terms did you try:
There were a couple of fixes mentioned, to do with GD Fonts. Editing of php file to allow GD2, running of test script , which did give the FAIL message, and following other suggestions to check and fix. I tried all mentioned, covered myself and backed up any files I changed, but none would solve the problems.
State the nature of your problem:
The main problem, Is that the Registration Verification Images, and the sound wav files, and also the required code for registering, do not match up with each other....
This means that my security Is compromised, to a point, as Fusion 7 security was one of the main reasons I upgraded, as with any upgrade.
Also, on the previous Install, which was also a clean Install, except that I imported stuff back to the database, my permissions on the site creator (Super Admin) account was Intermittent. One minute I could post a news Item, or forum post, and next I wouldnt have the required permissions, and would receive the appropriate message. I have tested this, on this Install, and have made a separate Admin account, for testing, In case I have this problem again, as previously, my other administrators, had no problems with anything...It was only my own Super Admin Account, but at this moment, I can confirm email verification as now working, and I am able to post news and forum posts.

However, as I have no Idea why It was doing this, I do not want to start playing with permissions or anything on this Install, as that may have been a cause on the earlier attempt.
Do you have a test account for us? Yes....with full permissions...How do I get It to an admin, or someone who knows this stuff, without compromising my site...who do I send the logins to??

I would greatly appreciate someone to take a look at this for me..or at least offer some advice.
I am proud of my website, and the fact that PHP Fusion has made It quite an Impressive site for a beginner...once Its all up and running.
I have never removed any required links, pertaining to the use of this CMS, and In fact have promoted It to friends. I have ZERO problems with making a contribution, for this CMS, and would gladly do so, as I have paid money for other things, but Ild certainly like to see It up and running properly, first.
I would like to stick with Fusion 7, If possible, but am at the stage where I can go no further, personally, and need a recommendation, as to whether these problems are fixable, or If I would In fact be better off rolling back to my previous version, for the time being...

I do not feel totally secure by not using the Image system, and It certainly takes the "automatic", out of things, as It Is now.

Is this my host, or a fusion problem?, as I cannot see anything I have done, that would cause this..and obviously others have experienced similar, and the suggested fixes do not seem to have worked for me.

At least the site Is back up, now, and hopefully, I wont run Into problems posting again.

Cheers, and thankyou for any help or advice
Edited by Macca38 on 07-10-2008 15:38,
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If i have touched it, it's W3C Valid
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read this http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/vie...ost_125412

and try 3 post from Digitanium
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Ahhh thankyou SiteMaster..

Unfortunately, the file download Is not working, so I am unable to try this, until some kind person uploads the file again...

I have posted In the thread requesting....


EDIT: Still waiting on someone to fix the link, or re-upload, PLEASE??
Edited by Macca38 on 11-10-2008 08:44,
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