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suggestions and improvements v7

Asked Modified Viewed 3,392 times
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
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Haven't searched if my suggestions/improvements have been posted before by others. I'm setting up a v7 now for checking the Dutch language and anything that I think is worth mentioning I wil post here.

Admin Panel, Admin home is actually Content Admin so rename this link.
Now add 3 more links, User Admin, System Admin and Infusions.
Now you can directly switch tabs! Far more easy!
Leave the drop down boxes as they are, this is a great addition to.

?When infusions are added, will there automatically a dropdown box be generated?

System Admin, Main Settings, Miscellaneous, Allow users to change theme? Yes No
<-- Is this the same as -->
User Admin, User Fields, Theme Allows users to choose their theme Options Enable

System Admin, Main Settings, Miscellaneous, Use TinyMCE HTML editor? Yes No
For article and news admin only. Yes No
Include a link where to download other languages and a brief instrucion where to upload these files.

Here it is; For additional languages go to; http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/language...nguage.php and upload it to your website http://myweb.com/includes/jscripts/tiny_mce/langs/

Added july 5,
Some new observations!


Content Admin, Forums, --> When adding a forum no Forum Privileges are shown. Only afterwards when editing a forum.
When editing a forum it would be nice a previously manual defined set of Forum Privileges is made standard instead of the standard members. (Do I still make sense ;))

This is what I prefer as 'standard'

Forum Access: Public
Create Threads: Member
Post Replies: Member
Attachments: Member
Create Polls: Administrator
Cast Votes: Member

Added september 19
Some new observations!


As number1 SuperAdministrator I cannot edit profiles from fellow SuperAdministrators.

I feel as the number 1 SA and owner of my site, I should have this option!

When setting up a new website and enter long passwords this makes the website inaccessible. :(
I had to modify passwords in phpmyadin to prevent reinstalling. :(

Added september 26
Some new observations!


Updated first post aswell

I installed a new website with PHPFusion. Lazy as I am I thought I don't open the installation instructions because there is a write permission check in the setup routine.

I was very surprised to see that all checks, exept config.php were OK.

I suspect this is a bug, because none of the dirs and files were chmodded to 777.

Added oktober 12
Some new observations!


Upgrade some live forums to v7. All went OK, but there are some issues.

- Don't forget to change your theme in your profile to default before upgrading. Otherwise it is possible (depends on v6 theme) you can't access your upgraded site due to incompatibility issues. Quickfix --> upload a v7 theme in your v6 theme directory.

- Forum Ranks table is empty! :( (only after upgrade not with fresh install!) Quickfix --> import table fusion_forum_ranks from a fresh install or use attachment. Note attachment isn't enabled any more so copy paste from below.

Dutch Ranks!

# PHPFusion SQL Data Dump
# Database Name: OoO
# Table Prefix: fusion_
# Date: 10/10/2008 10:09

# Structure for Table fusion_forum_ranks
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusion_forum_ranks;
CREATE TABLE fusion_forum_ranks (
rank_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
rank_title varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_image varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_posts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rank_apply smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '101',
PRIMARY KEY (rank_id)

# Table Data for fusion_forum_ranks
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (1, 'Superbeheerder', 'rank_super_admin.gif', 0, 103);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (2, 'Beheerder', 'rank_admin.gif', 0, 102);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (3, 'Moderator', 'rank_mod.gif', 0, 104);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (4, 'Nieuweling', 'rank0.gif', 0, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (5, 'Junior Lid', 'rank1.gif', 10, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (6, 'Lid', 'rank2.gif', 50, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (7, 'Senior Lid', 'rank3.gif', 200, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (8, 'Veteraan', 'rank4.gif', 500, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (9, 'Fusioneer', 'rank5.gif', 1000, 101);

English Ranks!

# PHPFusion SQL Data Dump
# Database Name: OoO
# Table Prefix: fusion_
# Date: 10/10/2008 10:09

# Structure for Table fusion_forum_ranks
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusion_forum_ranks;
CREATE TABLE fusion_forum_ranks (
rank_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
rank_title varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_image varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_posts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rank_apply smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '101',
PRIMARY KEY (rank_id)

# Table Data for fusion_forum_ranks
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (1, 'Super Admin', 'rank_super_admin.gif', 0, 103);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (2, 'Admin', 'rank_admin.gif', 0, 102);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (3, 'Moderator', 'rank_mod.gif', 0, 104);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (4, 'Newbie', 'rank0.gif', 0, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (5, 'Junior Member', 'rank1.gif', 10, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (6, 'Member', 'rank2.gif', 50, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (7, 'Senior Member', 'rank3.gif', 200, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (8, 'Veteran Member', 'rank4.gif', 500, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (9, 'Fusioneer', 'rank5.gif', 1000, 101);

- After upgrade check the rights for your admins. Some settings were unwantedly enabled.

- By default attachments are disabled! :(

- forum threads list panel doesn't show folderlocked.gif :(

Added oktober 18
Some new observations!


Alert! It seems that the smpt password is not hashed!!

table fusion_settings smtp_password is not hashed!!!!!!

Added oktober 19
Some new observations!


Alert! It seems that the smpt password is not hashed!!

table fusion_settings smtp_password is not hashed!!!!!!

Added oktober 22
Some new observations!


Tip if you manage multiple fusion sites.

[olist=1]Add/remove and order bbcodes as you like it.
Export table bbcodes in administration.
Import table bbcodes in your other Fusion sites.
Now all sites have same setup for bbcodes.
Edited by Wanabo on 22-10-2008 10:35,
0 replies

10 posts

Just some Guy
  • Veteran Member, joined since
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Veteran Member


When infusions are added, will there automatically a dropdown box be generated?


System Admin, Main Settings, Miscellaneous, Allow users to change theme? Yes No
<-- Is this the same as -->
User Admin, User Fields, Theme Allows users to choose their theme Options Enable
Yes, but I don't know why. I tested it and selecting Yes in System Admin, Main Settings, Miscellaneous had no effect in edit profile. Enabling the user field did, so I'm probably missing something!!


System Admin, Main Settings, Miscellaneous, Use TinyMCE HTML editor? Yes No
For article and news admin only. Yes No

0 replies
Josso 10
Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible
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Wanabo wrote:
System Admin, Main Settings, Miscellaneous, Allow users to change theme? Yes No
<-- Is this the same as -->
User Admin, User Fields, Theme Allows users to choose their theme Options Enable

The admin settings, does nothing, when the user field isn't enabled.
But if you enable it, then you can choose wether the members can switch themes or it's only for admins. ;)
It's pretty nice, if you are going to test a new theme for your site. :)
0 replies
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
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Senior Member

Updated first post.


Content Admin, Forums, --> When adding a forum no Forum Privileges are shown. Only afterwards when editing a forum.
When editing a forum it would be nice a previously manual defined set of Forum Privileges is made standard instead of the standard members. (Do I still make sense ;))

This is what I prefer as 'standard'

Forum Access: Public
Create Threads: Member
Post Replies: Member
Attachments: Member
Create Polls: Administrator
Cast Votes: Member
Edited by Wanabo on 05-07-2008 15:06,
0 replies
— 2 months later —
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
  • Senior Member, joined since
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Senior Member

Updated first post aswell.

Some new observations!


As number1 SuperAdministrator I cannot edit profiles from fellow SuperAdministrators.

I feel as the number 1 SA and owner of my site, I should have this option!

When setting up a new website and enter long passwords this makes the website inaccessible. :(
I had to modify passwords in phpmyadin to prevent reinstalling. :(
0 replies
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
  • Senior Member, joined since
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Senior Member

Updated first post aswell

I installed a new website with PHPFusion. Lazy as I am I thought I don't open the installation instructions because there is a write permission check in the setup routine.

I was very surprised to see that all checks, exept config.php were OK.

I suspect this is a bug, because none of the dirs and files were chmodded to 777.
0 replies
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
  • Senior Member, joined since
  • Contributed 598 posts on the community forums.
  • Started 94 threads in the forums
  • Started this discussions
Senior Member

Updated first post aswell!

Upgrade some live forums to v7. All went OK, but there are some issues.

- Don't forget to change your theme in your profile to default before upgrading. Otherwise it is possible (depends on v6 theme) you can't access your upgraded site due to incompatibility issues. Quickfix --> upload a v7 theme in your v6 theme directory.

- Forum Ranks table is empty! :( (only after upgrade not with fresh install!) Quickfix --> import table fusion_forum_ranks from a fresh install or use attachment. Note attachment isn't enabled any more so copy paste from below.

Dutch Ranks!

# PHPFusion SQL Data Dump
# Database Name: OoO
# Table Prefix: fusion_
# Date: 10/10/2008 10:09

# Structure for Table fusion_forum_ranks
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusion_forum_ranks;
CREATE TABLE fusion_forum_ranks (
rank_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
rank_title varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_image varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_posts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rank_apply smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '101',
PRIMARY KEY (rank_id)

# Table Data for fusion_forum_ranks
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (1, 'Superbeheerder', 'rank_super_admin.gif', 0, 103);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (2, 'Beheerder', 'rank_admin.gif', 0, 102);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (3, 'Moderator', 'rank_mod.gif', 0, 104);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (4, 'Nieuweling', 'rank0.gif', 0, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (5, 'Junior Lid', 'rank1.gif', 10, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (6, 'Lid', 'rank2.gif', 50, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (7, 'Senior Lid', 'rank3.gif', 200, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (8, 'Veteraan', 'rank4.gif', 500, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (9, 'Fusioneer', 'rank5.gif', 1000, 101);

English Ranks!

# PHPFusion SQL Data Dump
# Database Name: OoO
# Table Prefix: fusion_
# Date: 10/10/2008 10:09

# Structure for Table fusion_forum_ranks
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusion_forum_ranks;
CREATE TABLE fusion_forum_ranks (
rank_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
rank_title varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_image varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
rank_posts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rank_apply smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '101',
PRIMARY KEY (rank_id)

# Table Data for fusion_forum_ranks
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (1, 'Super Admin', 'rank_super_admin.gif', 0, 103);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (2, 'Admin', 'rank_admin.gif', 0, 102);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (3, 'Moderator', 'rank_mod.gif', 0, 104);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (4, 'Newbie', 'rank0.gif', 0, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (5, 'Junior Member', 'rank1.gif', 10, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (6, 'Member', 'rank2.gif', 50, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (7, 'Senior Member', 'rank3.gif', 200, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (8, 'Veteran Member', 'rank4.gif', 500, 101);
INSERT INTO fusion_forum_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_image, rank_posts, rank_apply) VALUES (9, 'Fusioneer', 'rank5.gif', 1000, 101);

- After upgrade check the rights for your admins. Some settings were unwantedly enabled.

- By default attachments are disabled! :(

- forum threads list panel doesn't show folderlocked.gif :(
0 replies
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
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Alert! It seems that the smpt password is not hashed!!

table fusion_settings smtp_password is not hashed!!!!!!
0 replies
www.postexus.com - Follow Postexus on Facebook.
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That’s correct and it can't be, not with the current set-up we have and here is why.

User Passwords and Admin Passwords, as you all know, are double MD5 encrypted. Meaning the php MD5 function has encrypted the password two times for extra security. MD5 is an unbreakable hashing function, meaning there is absolutely no way to recover the password when it is hashed, and even harder when this process has been done two times.

So, the problem is, if you encrypt the SMPT password there is no way for the script to connect using the encrypted password as you can't decrypt it.

See the problem by encrypting it?
0 replies
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
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Thanks for explaining this! :) It makes sense to me now.
0 replies
Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
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Senior Member

Updated first post aswell.

Tip if you manage multiple fusion sites.

[olist=1]Add/remove and order bbcodes as you like it.
Export table bbcodes in administration.
Import table bbcodes in your other Fusion sites.
Now all sites have same setup for bbcodes.
0 replies


None yet


  • Views 0 views
  • Posts 10 posts
  • Votes 0 votes
  • Topic users 4 members

4 participants

Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
  • Senior Member, joined since
  • Contributed 598 posts on the community forums.
  • Started 94 threads in the forums
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www.postexus.com - Follow Postexus on Facebook.
  • Senior Member, joined since
  • Contributed 359 posts on the community forums.
  • Started 20 threads in the forums
Josso 10
Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible
  • Senior Member, joined since
  • Contributed 309 posts on the community forums.
  • Started 1 thread in the forums
Just some Guy
  • Veteran Member, joined since
  • Contributed 1,486 posts on the community forums.
  • Started 91 threads in the forums


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