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I recently somewhat abandon a website of mine powered by php fusion that didn't have any members except me. I took time to check up on it to see if my host deleted it, which didn't happen but i found another super admin which registered some how most likely by some mod im using. The ip for the user int he db shows as, the registration date shows as December 31 1969. I have so many mods in use at the moment. Anyone have any idea.......? I banned the user account.

Heres a list of mods im using...
Avatar Gallery 2.0 Daniel Zschintzsch(1.0), Carsten Puka(1.01),
cmike(1.10), Twapweb Site(2.0) Email / Web Defuse
Forums-Ignore 0.3 DwB Email / Web Defuse
Custom Contact 1.00 Korcsii Email / Web Defuse
Extended Profile 2.20 Initial idea by Ronald Iwema (v5.00),
this version by muscapaul (v6.01.xx) Email / Web Defuse
Forum Polls 1.23 xandra Email / Web Defuse
Fusion Community 4.1 Fetloser/Domi Email / Web Defuse
Member File Uploads 1.20 Digitanium, Rayxen, MisterMartin75 Email / Web Defuse
Newsletters 1.6 Digitanium Email / Web Defuse
pd Similar Threads 0.1.0 pirdani Email / Web Defuse
Point System 3.00 Andreas Niesen Email / Web Defuse
Professional Download System 1.8.4 Artur Wiebe Email / Web Defuse
Security System 1.8.5 Silvermoon Email / Web Defuse
Edited by BrandonJGolden on 10-11-2008 03:33,
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Just some Guy
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The exact same thing just happened to me: [http://php-fusion.co.uk/forum/viewthr...ost_128786]

User called Hesyse with an IP of and no date joined with a gmail email address.
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

Sites: Diptera.info (site owner); Online-Keys.net (site owner); Sciomyzidae.info (site co-owner); muscapaul.com (defunct; site owner)
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Posted a reply HERE. Shall we continue the issue there, please. No need to run two threads about the same thing.
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