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registration problem

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Approx. 1 in 10 registrations fails. 6.01.13

An entry is made in a new_user table but an e-mail is not sent out and the user is not added.

Is this problem known and how to circumvent this?
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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First: Upgrade to the latest version of PHPFusion (v6.01.16 or preferably v7).

Second: If you use email verification for members, then new users will never be added to the user table until they have clicked the verification link in the email. So, it is not strange they are in the new_users table but not in the users table.

Do the registrations fail on the same users all the time?
Or is it just haphazard?
Any certain email domains that are affected?
Are the email addresses spelled correctly?
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I have the 'accept by admin' functionality on.

I was unclear: the first mail (to activate by a link) they get and they have activated. From that moment they are in limbo (not in the my user table to be accepted but existing in the db new_user table). This means they cannot register with that same username/e-mail and I am not aware of new registrations. The number of non-activated members is not updated also.

One person had this problem on two sites of mine so a client issue was the most obvious, but I just tried it myself a few times under .16 and indeed in one test this occured. This makes me think it is not a client problem (cooky reject, non-conforming browser or so).

What I have to do now is check the table in the db and do a manual entry in PHP-fusion, after removing the entry in the new_user table...

Any clues?
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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As soon as they have received the first email and clicked the link in that email they should be moved from the new_users table to the users table. If something goes wrong with processing the info in that link they are bound to be left in the new_users table without being transferred to the users table and consequently they will not receive the second email.

As long as they are in the new_users table, then they should be able to click the activation link again.

It may all be down to a interruption of the processing of the activation link on the server.

BTW: You can activate new users yourself by copying the activation code from the database, log out of you site and enter the following link in the address bar of your browser:
http://www.yoursite.com/register.php?activate=[the copied activation code]. That saves a lot of trouble and you could do that even without logging out of your site if you use a second browser to visit your site without logging in.
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Thanks for your answer.

When things go wrong revisit of the activation-link does not work.

the first time he visits the link he gets the message that an administrator will grant access (but he comes in limbo)

The second time the person clicks on the link he is directly transferred to the intro-screen, while staying in limbo.

So this user is in the middle with no way out other than deleting the entry in the db and manually adding him to php-fusion.
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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If he gets redirected to the starting page of the site, then he is not in the new_users table anymore and then you should see him in the users table, ready to be activated, or the activation failed due to another kind of error. I have seen it happen on my sites as well, but not very often.
Still, such a person should be able to register again immediatey.
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OK. Maybe this is worse with me because of the fact that my free hoster is so slow. Some kind of inconsistency in the database because of timing over which the PHP-fusion logic falls later on.
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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That could be a possibility: a time-out during the activation process.

Get a proper host. ;)
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