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Need help with database ... Please help !

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Hello, need help with database. Take a look at my website scaredofguns.awardspace.com. As you can see there is only one registred user and the website is completely clean. Before I had about 120 registred users on the website and a lot of news etc... When i checked myphpadmin I could see that information about the users and articles and forum posts is still there, it just wont appear on the website. How can I fix it?
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hame 10
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did u do a DB Restore ??before encountering this problem ?
or did u do a upgrade from ver 6 to ver 7 ??
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

Sites: Diptera.info (site owner); Online-Keys.net (site owner); Sciomyzidae.info (site co-owner); muscapaul.com (defunct; site owner)
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Are you looking at the same database the site is using? Perhaps the host did some thing without telling you?
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No that is completely ma fault I think. I got a new domain and webhotel, so I tried to move the website. I movet all the files via FTP. Then instead of export the database via the website, I exported it via myphpadmin. And imported it in the new myphpadmin. After that I screwed up my old website. I dont know how .... I just exported the database.
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