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Upgrade instructions in readme confusing

Asked Modified Viewed 3,555 times
Harly 10
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To the administrators of this site:

The way the upgrade instructions in readme are written, it seems as you can update any v. 6.01.0-18 directly to v. 7.00.05, but that is not true. The headline says:
If you try to update for example v. 6.01.0 directly to v. 7.00.05 you'll loose a lot of information and get a lot of errors on your site. But if you update your V6-series to the latest version, v. 6.01.18, and then upgrade to V7, then (almost) everything is working fine - you still have all your old forum-threads, and all your users still have their usernames and passwords intact and so on...

I had to help a number of users to upgrade their sites correctly, because they thought that they could upgrade directly to the V7-series from any v. 6.01.xx, and that is very confusing to them, because it's not true! And this issue gave them a lot of problems that could have been avoided, if the readme's introduction's (about which V6 version you should upgrade to before, you upgrade to V7), where easier to understand.
(And yes: They should have been upgrading their sites as soon as a new upgrade where available!)

So my point is, that the readme's should be corrected to let people know, that it would be best to upgrade to the latest version of the V6'series before they upgrade to the V7-series, just to be on the safe site, so that all of the information on their sites will still be there after they upgraded to V7!

So administrators of this site: Please correct this, as soon as you have the time to do so! Thanks! B)

People should'nt get gray hair using PHPFusion, they should have fun. Just like I'm having fun, using the CMS daily! ;)

The rest of the upgrading instructions are really good and to the point: easy to understand. So that's why I think, that it's very important that people know where to start upgrading from, so that everything works as it should!
Edited by Harly on 02-02-2009 14:45,
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Harly 10
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Apparently you got some gray hair about that if you have to upgrade more websites. I guess we assumed people update. Thank you for reporting this. We will make the appropriate changes to the readme files and probably even look into the setup file so we can lower the v6.01.x compatibility for upgrading to v7.
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The readme's have been updated, both on SVN and in the download package.
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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Good to hear. Thanks, guys! B)
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

Sites: Diptera.info (site owner); Online-Keys.net (site owner); Sciomyzidae.info (site co-owner); muscapaul.com (defunct; site owner)
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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