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problem with the screen resolution

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mbr7 10
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Hello everyone!
I am a little bit new to php-fusion,, I have version 7 installed on my website --> www.nordichope.tk

I think the problem has to do with the screen resolution..
on my computer I see my website like this
But on my friends computer he sees the website like this...

How can i fix this so it looks the same on both?
Thanks in advanced.:)
Edited by Basti on 05-04-2009 14:48,
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hame 10
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First i see that your new, read the Forum rules ! the subject should be a short clear desc. of the problem.

Second, what browser screen is your friend using ?? This looks like a Theme issue i really doublt it has anything to do with the core of Fusion.
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mbr7 10
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It has nothing to do with the theme of the browser.
1. Yes I am new like I said.
2. As I said the problem has to do with the screen resolution
3. I am simply wondering what kind of html code should I type and where to make the website adjust the size of the images (banner and introduction picture) to the users screen size.

anyone know then please tell me..
Im sorry if I didnt make myself clear enough,
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mbr7 10
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Nevermind I found the awnser on this site instead..

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Basti 10
[PHP-Fusion Crew Member & Admin from June 2008 - December 2010]

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I changed title of the topic.

Please read CoC:


2.2 Describing title on all threads

All thread titles must be as specific as possible regarding your problems of needs. That increases your chances on getting a fast and accurate reply and you will help us maintaining a clean forum with good overview.

Examples of subjects that shall not be used is e.g:. 'Help Me?', 'How do I fix this?' or 'This does not work!!!'. In worst case your thread might be deleted.

The title of your thread is as important as the rest of the thread is. If you do not manage to name the thread in a way which describes your problem or need, you can not expect to get a valuable answer from others. Naming threads correctly is also important for others who are viewing or searching the forum for help.

*thread locked, because problem is solved*
Edited by Basti on 05-04-2009 14:50,
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