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Send mail failed error

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Hi, everyone

I just deleted my fusion 6 site & did a fresh install of php fusion 7; previously new user registration email confirmation used to work but now I triied everything but just cant get it to work.

I have only Fsockopen enabled & no sendmail support, so using SMTP
php fusion version: 7.0.5
stmp service: yahoo.com.au (with "Web & POP Access" enabled thru options in email account)

configuration settings made:

admin>syestm setting>misc setting>
smtp host: smtp.mail.yahoo.com.au
username: xxxxx (without [ @ ] yahoo.com.au)
pass: xxxxx

than manually edited:
smtp_include.php in /include folder of php fusion
$this->smtp_conn = fsockopen($host, # the host of the server
$port, # the port to use
$errno, # error number if any
$errstr, # error message if any
$tval); # give up after ? secs


$this->smtp_conn = fsockopen("smtp.mail.yahoo.com.au", # the host of the server
587, # the port to use ....tried 80 as well
$errno, # error number if any
$errstr, # error message if any
10); # give up after ? secs

Please Help me, what I am missing or doing wrong??
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still cant get it to work; edited smtp include, php mailer include, smtp class and tried all possiblities possible

can anyone give a sureshot method using default files as to how to get it to work using smtp not sendmail

.. please
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