Lately (within the last couple of weeks) I am seeing performance issues with slow response times and even timeouts. I've just been in contact with, my hosting provider. They claim that php-fusion is a rubish piece of code and they advice not to use it. They claim that alot of other users has the same problem. They actually suggested that I would use Joomla or MediaWiki instead... HUH???
So I need your help guys...
Considering my options: - Updating to fusion 7 (will require ALOT of work with all the mods on the pages) - Converting to Joomla... Don't even know where to begin... - Tidying fusion 6 up with html validator (it is a mess)
Upgrading would be the safest bet. The performance issue may come from you modding and I am sorry to say that modding is not very upgrade-friendly, to say the least.
Do the DB upgrades, one by one, step-by-step, then, delete all php-fusion files and upload a new 7.00.05.
Then find a way to use the site via custom pages and panels, and similar, that does not require so much modding.
Remember that yo need to select a default theme that is compatible with v7, or you will have to get in to the database and fix it afterwards.
If you have experienced a drop in performance, it is relevant to analyze what has happened during that period.
1. Have you had many new users or have the amount of data in your database grown otherwise?
2. Have you added new features, MOD's and/or infusions?
If you can answer no to these two questions, the responsibility lies with Knowing them from other similar situations, I believe that you shall not acept their arguments without testing them.
If you can answer yes to the last question, try to disable or look further into these. The explanation may be hidden there.
In any event, I find it less likely that eg Joomla - which is a much more heavy "machine" will run better. Lots of phpfusion sites are running without problems at
You may consider to change host. is providing a cheap and low-end solution. And you get what you pay for.
If you are deciding to continue with you may want to identify slow queries in order to get ideas for improvement.
Just wanted to add what Joomla will not be faster, since it executes much more code in core than PHPFusion. Joomla is Object Oriented, this means what it uses classes, classes are X2 times slower than Procedural Style! The only thing what can cause performance issues in PHPFusion is mods/infusions or malicious code.
vaisgaard i can see that you are hostet on, thats the problem, having server the last couple of days, i know this because i just moved to and finaly today i get the answer i was hoping for, (yes we have server problems, we are working on it)
Thanks gentlemen, that was exactly what I needed to hear.
I have been talking back and forth with, and it seems that they're just giving me a "story" about how bad php-fusion is. I've been using php-fusion for almost three years now - and have never experienced any problems like this. Not even with before...
Can anyone suggest an excellent hosting partner in the Nordic Region for php-fusion? Pref. Denmark.
I would recommend (low price) or servage (higher price). I have recent experiences with both.
I would also recommend this article abouts host selection. It's in danish (apologize to others being interested) and based on questionnaires submitted on Although it's not exactly new, the majority of the conclusions are still valid.
One disadvantage of Servage, that I was not aware of when making the article, is that they do not provide access to log-files.