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Bug: if u delete forum posts

Asked Modified Viewed 1,802 times
Basti 10
[PHP-Fusion Crew Member & Admin from June 2008 - December 2010]

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PHPFusion 7.01.00 latest svn version

I created a new forum cat.
I posted 1 new thread and in this thread 2 new posts.

Now look at the file /forum/index.php at the statitics:

Threads     Posts        Last Post
1             3           27-12-2009 18:36
                             by Basti

everything is ok.

Open the thrad.
In the end of the thread: "Check All" => "Delete Posts".

Now the thread and all posts are deleted. There is no thread in the forum cat.

Now look again at the file /forum/index.php at the statitics:

Threads     Posts        Last Post
1            3            27-12-2009 18:36
                                by Basti

Yay, that's kinda wrong now ;o

If I repeat this now again: Post 1 thread with 2 new posts, and I delete them all again in viewthread.php
I get again the same statistic like above, but there is again no thread or post in the forum cat.

ok now again the same:
I post 1 thread and 2 new posts in the thread, I open the thread, but this time I don't delete all 3 posts (including the start posting) in the thread. This time I only delete the latest post in the thread.

and now I get the right statistic on forum/index.php:

Threads     Posts        Last Post
1               2           27-12-2009 18:46
                               by Basti
Edited by Basti on 27-12-2009 19:51,
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Basti 10
[PHP-Fusion Crew Member & Admin from June 2008 - December 2010]

http://basti2web.de - Support Site for my infusions
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