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Asked Modified Viewed 2,734 times
Visit the new home of the merge between Hacking Vs. Security and Security Override!
My copyright removal has been switched over from HvS to SecurityOverride.
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Please check out the new and improved, revamped SecurityOverride.com website!

This site is a merger of two sites: SecurityOverride and Hacking Vs. Security. Together we now offer you more content, more functions, more features and more hacking challenges. Our main goals are to to help you develop your penetration testing skills, and to help you prevent security attacks in the future.

"In order to learn computer security you must first learn how to breach it."

The copyright removal I own that was in use on HvS was supposed to be moved to SecurityOverride, as I was told that it would be done; however, I never received a message back saying that it was completed. Please move the copyright license to SecurityOverride if it has not already been moved. Thanks.
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Visit the new home of the merge between Hacking Vs. Security and Security Override!
My copyright removal has been switched over from HvS to SecurityOverride.
  • Senior Member, joined since
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  • Started 28 threads in the forums
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