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Uploading MySQL Database Files via SSH?

Asked Modified Viewed 3,197 times
younis 10
Steve Younis
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I'm moving my site to a new server. I have everything installed properly and all is running fine. I've managed to restore all the database files except one...

The problem is that the "fusion_posts" backup .gz compressed file is too large (4.2mb), and the server won't accept anything bigger than 2mb. I've tried to restore it using both the Fusion Admin and via phpMyAdmin.

I've been told to try upload it using SSH (Secure Shell) Access. However I don't know where PHPFusion installs the MySQL files. I thought it'd be in the Administration/db_backup directory, but I don't see anything in there.

Any ideas? Where do I upload this "fusion_posts" .sql file so that PHPFusion will be able to read all the Forum messages within it?

Edited by younis on 16-04-2010 07:34,
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Proud to be an Indian
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1.) Upload the SQL file via FTP Software on your webspace in for example your public_html folder

2.) Open SSH client and login as root

3.) Run the following command (don't forget to change the path and user and database information):

mysql -u databaseuser -p databasename < /home/username/public_html/database.sql

You will get:
"Enter password:" Enter database password.
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younis 10
Steve Younis
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Thanks. I finally figured out that I had to upload the .sql file to the server and have it run that command. I tried doing it with a .gzip file, but it didn't work. Had to upload the uncompressed .sql file (15mb in size), but that worked. :)
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younis 10
Steve Younis
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Proud to be an Indian
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