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Error when reviewing news?

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I've just set up PHPFusion, and when I go to submit some news and review this error comes up:

Notice: unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset 111 of 181 bytes in /home/deadandw/public_html/administration/submissions.php on line 213

I haven't touched that file, except changing it's permissions to 777 as asked in the installation guide?

What's happening? :)

Cheers in advance!
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MvE Designs
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Did you submitted text only or html code also?
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Yes I submitted HTML and Text. :)

Edit: I also tried to post an Article without any HTML and it still doesn't show the content. :(
Edited by DeadandWalkingcom on 27-06-2010 01:00,
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MvE Designs
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Try to re-upload all the php-fusion files, maybe something went wrong with upload.
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I reuploaded all the administration files, if I uploaded them all again wouldn't I lose everything?

This is what shows up on an article:


It shows the image and beginning of an article, but when I go to add any text (the actual review) it just doesn't save it.

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MvE Designs
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Weird, you are using v7.00.07 ?

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Yep, I installed that straight from it's package. Uploaded it all through FTP, so I think all files were uploaded right. It said it connected to my database successfully, and it stores forum posts. Does that mean it's not a problem with the database?

It's weird because I never had this problem at the beginning ofthe year when I ran php fusion.

And with the article posted, it only displays the first 3 words of the review. I copied and pasted it from a wordpress post on my blog.


EDIT! lol

I just pasted the review into the actual database through phpmyadmin. It works now ( http://deadandwalking.com/articles.php?article_id=1 )

I was wondering, was the problem because I put characters like ' ' " " etc...? They do not show up in the article. I really need help here. I like this CMS, but I can't not be able to use it :P

Edited by DeadandWalkingcom on 27-06-2010 20:06,
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MvE Designs
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DB connection is fine.

Never use phpadmin to fill articles in php-fusion! ;)

You see what will happen.
Edited by MvE Designs on 27-06-2010 20:07,
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MvE Designs
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Why this?


I like this CMS, but I can't not be able to use it
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MvE Designs wrote:
Why this?


I like this CMS, but I can't not be able to use it

Because I can't post any articles or news :P I need to be able to put up my reviews etc... with html etc... in articles and news sections.

My bad, what happens then? lol

Another edit....

Again with the news, it's cutting off a lot of the entered data. it's really annoying now, i cannot find the problem at all.
Edited by DeadandWalkingcom on 28-06-2010 01:02,
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MvE Designs
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Can you paste one example of your review html tekst so people can reproduce the problem?
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Sure, this is one of them :

<em>Triangle</em> R1

<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u12/bluechip_album/triangle-1.jpg" alt="" />

<strong>Review by:</strong> Death Gore Machine © 2010

A very clever 'time-shift' film. Theres not many films that can deliver a fresh, new feel <em>and</em> angle on the horror genre. The last time i can remember seeing a 'fresh' angle was the first <em>Saw</em> film, but <em>Triangle</em> has a great story to tell - Exploiting our own inner fears is a good starting point, and <em>Triangle</em> has you feeling slightly uneasy from the off. The sea can bring out many feelings of unease and not just because its a vast intimidating place, no, but because theres a real fear of drowning. A fear within us all. Fits just right in a horror film. Right?

Jess (Melissa George - 30 Days Of Night, wAz, Mulholland Drive), a single mother with an Autistic son, wakes up on the morning of the sailing trip puzzled about a strange dream she's having. Soon, she heads off on the sailing trip with a group of friends. What appears to be a serene sailing trip soon turns ugly, in a very clever little way. At first glance, i thought that <em>Triangle</em> would be in the vein of <em>Dead Calm</em>, then moments later i would be thinking, "now its like <em>ghost Ship</em>". Eerily, you start to realise that its none of these films. Its far better. Both the plot and mystery tangle you in a strange surreal world. A world that only <em>Donnie Darko</em> or <em>Spongebob Squarepants</em> could live in.

<em>Triangle</em> will keep you guessing whilst understanding a little more with each new twist. And there are many twists and turns. It does get more complex as the films goes on. Each new twist slowly makes a bit more sense, making you understand what you saw 5, 10, 20 minutes earlier. Theres a certain foggy air similar to the complexity of <em>Memento (2000)</em> and <em>The Butterfly Effect (2004)</em> within <em>Triangle</em>. Very well crafted, and devised.

Thanks to some clever editing, great direction and credible acting, <em>Triangle</em> is one of those films, that, if all this seems to make no sense, but you kind of understand it, then <em>Triangle</em> is a must for fans of the 'twists and turns' horror genre. That unsettling sense of loneliness in a wide open space, not too dissimilar to <em>the Shining</em>, where your minds starts to melt with everything happening around you and that the main character could just be slightly unhinged in some way,......Great stuff!

<em>Triangle</em> isn't a full on gore fest, nor is it supposed to be. Neither will you be biting your nails with nerves or hiding behind a cushion, but you will be left scratching your head and left with that feeling of how a great film can be put together. There are, of course, the mandatory "jump scenes" which actually seem out of sync [probably on purpose for effect] for the film which only makes you more tense. Theres some very smart moments throughout the film, and anyone with the brains to unpick this film without taking an Asprin afterwards will deserve a holiday. Looking at things from a different angle, breaking it down and understanding the twists and characters makes <em>Triangle</em> a truly good film.

Theres many more aspects to <em>Triangle</em>. Theres far more things that could be said, but in all honesty, its just one of those films that you need to see to fully appreciate. Im not one of those reviewers that give out mass spoilers and give away many "Key" points to the film. If i did, there wouldn't be any point in seeing the film.

<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u12/bluechip_album/mg.png" alt="" />
<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u12/bluechip_album/tr3.png" alt="" />
<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u12/bluechip_album/tri2.png" alt="" />
<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u12/bluechip_album/tri4.png" alt="" />


Melissa George
Liam Hemsworth
Rachael Carpani
Emma Lung
Michael Dorman
Henry Nixon

Directed by Christopher Smith (Creep, Severance)
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MvE Designs
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First set option
Use TinyMCE HTML editor? to Yes
(Admin Panel > Miscellaneous )

Then edit the article, click on button HTML and paste your code.
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MvE Designs
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You need to add a <br /> at the end of the line for new lines ;)
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Hi, thanks for the reply :)

I cannot find the HTML button after putting the option to yes though. I only get the boxes to write my article snippet and full article in and 3 checked boxes to Save as Draft, Enable comments and Enable ratings.

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You don't see this?????
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