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Define a list of recipients PM

Asked Modified Viewed 1,114 times
sebeq 10
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The idea is that before sending a PW was able to define audiences based on location and interests.
Selection of users would be possible only from one location. A concern of the three lists.

As a result, I would like to be able to send a message to people who are from Warsaw (the categories Place) and are interested in roses, shrubs, fruits (with the category Plants.) Plus information for specifically how many people will be sent to the PW.

I have several groups (cloned on the basis of user groups).
Region DB_USER_GROUPS_WOJ assigned field in DB_USERS user_groups_woj
District DB_USER_GROUPS_POW assigned field in DB_USERS user_groups_pow
Place DB_USER_GROUPS_MIEJ assigned to the field in DB_USERS user_groups_miej

Plants DB_USER_GROUPS assigned to the field in DB_USERS user_groups
Architecture DB_USER_GROUPS_ARCH assigned to the field in DB_USERS user_groups_arch
Holder DB_USER_GROUPS_POS assigned field in DB_USERS user_groups_pos

Does anyone have an idea how it all done?
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sebeq 10
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