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Danish locals for Advanced MP3 Player Infusion

Asked Modified Viewed 4,489 times
Danish translator of PHP-Fusion helmuth@php-fusion.dk
All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats. (Groucho Marx)
Listen to the music... https://soundcloud.com/helmuth-mikkel...mikkelsen/
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Attached the revised and updated Danish locals for Advanced MP3 Player Infusion: http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusions...ddon_id=19
helmuth attached the following file:
danish.zip [No information available / 458 Downloads]
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Just some Guy
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Thanx for that. But, can you please submit it through the Submit a Translation link in the addon page itself as it's very problematic to do it manually.
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Danish translator of PHP-Fusion helmuth@php-fusion.dk
All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats. (Groucho Marx)
Listen to the music... https://soundcloud.com/helmuth-mikkel...mikkelsen/
  • Senior Member, joined since
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Just some Guy
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