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backing up and restoring DB: alternatives

Asked Modified Viewed 1,475 times
hen3ry 10
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I can see that the 7.x admin panel --> System Admin --> Database Backup provides for DB backup and restore, as it should and that's probably sufficient for most uses.

But just in case, I'd like to explore alternatives. I think there are two other ways of backing up and restoring DBs, one by using a command shell on the web server and the commands, broadly

mysqldump > dumpfile.sql

to dump and

sql < dumpfile.sql

to restore.

The second alternative is to use commands in phpMyAdmin, assuming of course this utility is available on the webserver.

Here is my question: What exact commands will produce equivalent results using "mysqldump" and "mysql" and phpMyAdmin, such that a database dump produced by one of these three methods can be restored by the other two, interchangeably?


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hen3ry 10
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