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hsgallery and facebook

Asked Modified Viewed 1,895 times
mojkan 10
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I'm using hsgallery on a site that I made http://www.tartrummet.se

When you click on a picture of a cake, using hsgallery it will blend in and expand. In this expanded box with the picture I want a little FACEBOOK icon that when clicked the user will link to that picture in his/her facebook profile.

I have read and tried to understand the following thread: http://mods.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=10657

However, I do not understand what the code does or how I must change it in order to use it on my site.

Maybe somebody is familiar to hsgallery and knows where to put the code in that infusion?

Does anyone have the time to help me out? I would truelly appreciate any help!

Edited by mojkan on 10-12-2010 11:19,
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mojkan 10
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