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Changing Content-Type & Content-Language will affect anywhere?

Asked Modified Viewed 2,194 times
Ankur 10
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Hello Guyz,

I was thinking to Create a Locale in My Language for which it requires to change the Content type and Language in Header.

Please tell me if I use the below Code, i.e including both HINDI & ENGLISH Languages, then what it will do ?

<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="hi,en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

Also tell me, whether if I change the Charset to UTF-8, then will it affect the Coding or the Settings saved in the Database or the working of the System ?

Thank You

Ankur Thakur


Oh Ok !!!

I saw on other Locales websites and found that they use UNICODE (UTF-8) for that !!!

Ok !!! I got my this problem solved :)

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Edited by Ankur on 21-01-2011 09:54,
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Ankur 10
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