Hi there,
Am pretty new to anything to do with Web stuff and have been trying to learn on the fly as much as possible.
I have been using PHP Fusion for some time now, it was semi easy to setup, even tho I had many hickups on the way, the last few weeks though, my site has been getting hit by alot of Bot signups, using the gmail and some MAD address creations.
I read that an upgrade should or could resolve it without having to enable the admin checking options for signups.
I did the upgrade, which "seems" to have worked as all the versions are now showing as the latest, the only thing is, I get this at the top of my pages now
Notice: Undefined index: serveroffset in /mounted-storage/home77a/sub004/sc74455-MVTA/silentchaos.co.uk/maincore.php on line 807
February 28 2011 16:11:26
I sadly have no idea what so ever, what it means :/
Please understand am a total noob at this stuff, so just pointing me to a file to read might not help, I read the read me file, and followed it to the best as i could understand, I backed up my database via the fusion option, I backedup my entire site just incase, I uploaded the files as told, then went to the Update option.
Any idea's of how to fix/stop this message would be great!
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